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MegaOp Week 2022, Day 1: 2/14 | Battle/Gentle

Megatron wasn't one to let his guard down, but as he sat in the freezing cold with no other than Optimus Prime by his side, he found that he was doing just that. They were stranded in the arctic after yet another fight and had been there for hours now. It was bitter cold, colder than humans could handle, and honestly, he was sure that he was going to go offline if they stayed there much longer. Their temperatures had dropped to the lowest their frames could handle. He wasn't sure about the whereabouts of his or Optimus's team- neither had been able to reach them, and if Megatron's assumptions were right, there was something wrong with Team Prime's ground bridge.

How they had ended up here in the first place, he was hardly sure- Prime had gone through a space bridge for an energon deposit, Megatron was there at the same time looking for said energon. They'd fought for a while before collapsing to the ground, both of them too weak from the cold to keep it up. He hated to admit his weakness and claimed repeatedly that it was just unfair, he wasn't going to kill Optimus like this because it would be taking advantage of the Prime's weakness and he didn't want to kill him unless he was at full strength.

To be honest, though, he wasn't sure he could ever go through with it. His and Optimus's constant battling grew tiring, but it was theirs, and that was what mattered to him. Millenia of mutual friendship and unrequited love was going to end with them freezing to death...

The irony of it made him laugh, something dark and airy, shaky from the cold.

"Is this how you imagined us going out, Optimus?" Megatron asked and turned to his friend- enemy- who was sitting right next to him. After their initial skirmish, Optimus had used what must've been the last of his strength to drag Megatron to a 'shelter', AKA one of the only areas in the arctic space that they were in that had a wall of ice to block them from the gusts of wind. "Millions of years spent fighting battles and wars against each other and now we're going to perish from something like cold weather..."

"We aren't going to go offline like this, Megatron, just hang on a little longer-" Optimus reached over to wrap an arm around him, only for Megatron to smack him away.

He wished he hadn't.

"Hang on a little longer?" He scoffed. "Why should I?"

"What do you mean? I've never heard you spew such nonsense... We both have so much to live for!"

"You might," Megatron argued and, to amend his earlier mistake, scooted closer to Optimus so that he could slip under the Prime's arm. Their bodies were flushed together, but he was still so cold. The only heat in the air came from Optimus's icy glare, that of which was full of anger and confusion. Megatron grinned, proud that he could still bring out the emotional side of Optimus that no one else got to see- even after all these years, because as twisted as it was, that side of Optimus was his and no one else's. "But why should I? That's what I asked, Optimus. I'm sure you're expecting for this to go like it usually does; we miraculously make it out somehow and go back to what we usually do, right? Fighting and arguing and bending to each other but never breaking?"

"You frustrate me, Megatron," Optimus huffed and looked away, frame shivering and dentae chattering. "I'll never understand you..."

"Oh, but I think you do understand, Prime."

His eyes and words are so icy, oh but he burns like rum on a fire... Hot and fast and angry as he can be, I walk my days on a wire.

"So, what if I do? Then what?"

"Then... You should've left me out there. Put me out of my misery," Megatron muttered. "I don't get why you pulled me back here with you. If you would've left me out there, I'd be in hell by now."

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