Wasteland, Baby!

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MegaOp Week 2022, Day 7: 2/20 | Regret/Victory

All of the fear and the fire of the end of the world happens each time a mech falls in love with a mech; happens great, happens sweet. Happily, I'm unfazed here, too.

Sleep had eluded Megatron all night. Usually, he was the last between the two of them to fall asleep and the last to wake up. He had grown accustomed to falling into recharge from hours spent staring at Optimus's sleeping face and waking up to the energetic, early-bird of a Prime staring right at him, watching him as he rose from his slumber. But right now, he was the one who was awake first after a series of nightmares that left him unable to go back to sleep.

It was dawn right now, the blue night sky only just now being painted over with a few streaks of red and purple to signal that the sun was now in the midst of rising. He could still see the moon and the stars from his spot on the bed- Optimus preferred the outside, so he slept on the inside without complaint, right next to the curtain-covered window. If he got lucky like he was right now, he could shift just enough to move the dark blue curtains without interrupting Optimus's sleep to get a good view of what it looked like outside when he stayed there, which was only once every few days- or, whenever Optimus could sneak him into his base without any of Team Prime noticing.

And he was sure that being in love with Optimus would be the end of him. Every day, he felt himself growing weaker and weaker, his attention devoted to Optimus and their new relationship instead of to the Decepticons and the cause he'd started. He felt himself relenting more, giving more, ready for peace and quiet- for the dust to settle and for him to be able to build a new life with the little Prime he had fallen for, to build a family with him.

Suddenly, Optimus moved in his sleep to cuddle up to Megatron. He wrapped an arm around the Decepticon's shoulder and snuggled up to his chest, effectively making his spark swell up in his chest.

This was his home, where he belonged, with Optimus so close and his processor so at peace for the first time in a long time.

Wasteland, baby, I'm in love- I'm in love with you. And I love, too, that love soon might end. Be known in its aching, shown in the shaking. Lately of my wasteland, baby. Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking. Though quaking, though crazy, that's just wasteland, baby.

They were meant to be; whether they would last forever or not was a different story, but Optimus Prime hugging him whilst he slept was pure relief, and for that reason, he didn't dare to let go of what they had. It was selfish of him to keep Optimus to himself when he knew how things were going to end...

One side was going to win the war eventually. The chance of their sides actually making peace with each other was slim. They would probably end up being split apart any day now- either that or one of them would be offlined somehow. He had always been selfish, though, and as always, he didn't care about that. He deserved to be happy for what time they had left together. They both did. Losing Optimus would be the end of the world for him- he wouldn't let it happen if he had any say in it, let alone let the Prime go willingly.

And, when Optimus woke up, they'd have to go their separate ways with Megatron going back to the mines and Optimus leading his team through their morning patrols.

But Optimus was still asleep.

So for now, Megatron settled back into the mattress and pulled Optimus's sleeping form on top of his much larger frame, relishing in the feeling of that familiar sparkbeat against his and soft, delicate snores pouring into his audials as Optimus melted into him.

And the stance of the sea and the absence of green are the death of all things that I've seen and unseen... Aren't the end, but the start of all things that are left to do; wasteland, baby, I'm in love. I'm in love with you.

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