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MegaOp Week 2022, Day 6: 2/19 | Devotion/Loneliness

Optimus Prime shifted his weight back and forth with embarrassment and anxiety as he sat in the middle of the barren desert with crackly, saffron-hued, bone-dried earth beneath his stabilizing servos. It was early evening, the beginning of a sunset painting the sky an array of oranges, yellows, reds, and pinks that slowly took over the once brilliant bright blue that had been there.

It probably hadn't been his most genius idea to call Megatron and insist that the Decepticon leader come to his coordinates for what must've been the fourth or fifth time that month, but he was at the point where he couldn't help himself.

They were finally in the middle of peace talks after millions of years of fighting. They were far from having their issues fixed, but Optimus's younger, more optimistic self seemed to be taking over and making him think that maybe... Maybe they could stop the fighting make something of their feelings after all the wasted years.

Maybe they could be okay.

They were still on earth, about to go back to Cybertron together with their teams to work out the kinks of the peace agreement. Optimus knew better than to get his hopes up, that this could all be a ploy and that Megatron could betray him at any time, but... He wanted something good between them to happen so bad that he was willing to take the risk.

When Megatron finally showed up (a half hour late, by the way), landing in front of Optimus in his vehicle mode and transforming back into his bot mode, Optimus's vents caught. He was just as beautiful as always- and really, Optimus should've thought he was ugly; the matte grey that covered his frame was unappealing, the vermillion red that his optics were didn't really match the rest of him, his cheeks were unnaturally defined, his lips were thin and chapped, his nasal was crooked from having it broken in battle so many times, and that ugly purple Decepticon symbol still painted his chest, but as surprising as it was, Optimus found all of those features attractive in a sort of unconventional way because they were Megatron's, and he loved everything about Megatron from the inside out.

"What a... Romantic," Megatron paused for the emphasis of sarcasm on the last word to sink in as he looked around, massive servos on his hips. "Choice of location, Prime."

"It reminds me of you," Optimus deadpanned, which earned him a glare in return.

"Beautifully bright and vast? How flattering."

"I was more talking about the dreary, dry, and dead aspects of it, but you're allowed to see it however you wish," His words were spat with a certain amount of playful venom that had Megatron sputtering for something to say in response.

It was true that, even though they were coming to resolving everything, they were still... Somewhat mean to each other, and yes, he knew that the feelings were there on both ends, but they hadn't done much more than meet up like this a few times. They'd touched each other a little more, talked some, sat together like friends would, and while there would be fleeting moments of what felt like romance, neither of them acted on aforementioned feelings.

It was just complicated.

How were they supposed to have a normal relationship after so many years of fighting?

Logic told him that they weren't meant to be, that he should just try with someone else or die alone, but Megatron drew him in like a moth to a flame without even trying. Megatron, despite his faults, was hot and fiery and passionate, warm and fervent and intense in a way that Optimus couldn't help but love. He wanted to warm his chilly hands in Megatron's, to have the mech all to himself on cold winter days and to melt into his touch when they were alone.

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