From Eden (NSFW)

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MegaOp Week 2022, Day 4: 2/17 | Apology/Fall

Optimus Prime wasn't prepared for when they started to fall. Maybe launching his grappling hook into the side of Megatron's alt mode when he was gearing up to fly away from a battle wasn't the best idea, and maybe hanging on and allowing himself to be carried away by the Decepticon wasn't the best idea either, but what else was he supposed to do? Just let him escape?

Well, yeah, the logical side of his processor told him. It wasn't like he was any match for Megatron, and Megatron hadn't obtained any All Spark fragments this time around. It was just a simple scuffle that he could've- should've- allowed Megatron to fly away from. The rest of his team was back in central Detroit fighting Blitzwing and Lugnut, and they probably needed help... Then again, with how suddenly Megatron tried to escape, he most definitely had some sort of plan that they didn't know about; an ulterior motive.

He and Megatron had been above some sort of lake when his weight on the other mech's alt mode, tipping him back and ruining the efficiency of his flight, worked with the horrible winds to finally knock Megatron out of the sky. He expected to be thrown off and dropped, but to his surprise, Megatron transformed back into his bot mode in mid-air, wrapped his arms around Optimus as tight as he could, and prepared for the fall. They were low enough in the sky by the time that it happened that no serious injuries came to them, but the complete and utter shock that came with suddenly dropping into a massive body of cold water while Megatron's warm arms were still holding him tight against the other mech's chest was enough to make his spark slam so hard in his chest that it hurt.

Even worse, whilst Optimus held his breath and tried to swim up, he managed to open his optics just in time to see how Megatron continued to hold him in place. He panicked and squirmed, and even as he kicked and flailed, nothing let him out of that tight grip. Megatron used one servo to pull the end of his grappling hook out of where it had landed in his side as he'd been transforming, then ripped the handle from Optimus's grip and wrapped the chord around his arms and upper body to render him useless from the waist up. Horror filled his spark- if they stayed under like this, or if Megatron left him here like this and unable to swim, his vents would fill with lake water, and he was sure to drown without his team knowing what happened to him or where to find him.

He squeezed his optics shut in fear and dread, only to then feel himself being carried up. He blinked and looked down to see Megatron's legs kicking, swimming, and thank Primus, Megatron was getting them both above the surface.

The second they breached the water's surface, Optimus was gasping for air. Megatron, who had tossed the Prime over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, seemed calmed and collected, his vents slow and steady.

"Are you alright?" Megatron asked and continued to swim until he was on ground that he could stand on with his stabilizing servos, voice uncharacteristically gentle and unlike anything Optimus had ever heard from him before.

"Why did you bring me up?" He demanded and tried to wriggle out of Megatron's grip, but embarrassingly enough, the Decepticon's single servo that rested right on the meat of his aft held him in place effortlessly. With his arms trapped against his sides, he couldn't move, and with his legs still under water, his kicks were practically useless. "Answer me, Megatron! How do you know I'm not going to do anything to you now that I'm not trapped underwater?"

"As it stands, it's not like you have much of a choice to do anything but submit to me, Autobot," The familiar 'Autobot' grated Optimus for whatever reason- perhaps because it was a reminder of who they both were, of how different they were, of the circumstances by which they were divided. His lust for Megatron had been present for some time now, but he had learned to suppress it, to never act on it, to take it with him to his grave. He couldn't deny that, late at night when he knew everyone on base was asleep, he pleasured himself to the thought of what it would be like to give into those sinful desires of his. But he never did. He knew better. "And there's something I'd like to know."

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