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MegaOp Week 2022, Day 5: 2/18 | Spark/Darkness

Optimus Prime wished that there was another solution to this problem.

He stood in the middle of the forest, flinching when he saw a familiar grey ship flying towards him. Uncaring and reckless as always, Megatron knocked down a few of the tall trees in the forest as he flew through them and landed on the ground before transforming out of his alt mode and walking up to Optimus with a twisted yet comfortingly familiar grin.

Optimus shuffled uncomfortably, unsure of what to say or what to do. He knew why he was here- they both did, he'd been the one to comm Megatron and give him the coordinates to meet up like this after all. They did it once a year if not a little more than that (something that Optimus didn't like to admit because, really, once a year was all they needed, but Megatron managed to rope him into it every once in a blue moon regardless), and it was a necessity for both of them, but it was embarrassing to say the least, all caused by a mistake that he'd made when he was younger; spark bonding with no other than Megatron long before the war, back when they were still able to call each other friend, partner, lover.

He hadn't thought anything of it then, not even hesitating to agree when Megatron had made the offer, but now... They were at war, Megatron was a completely different person, and Optimus was stranded on earth with his team, the Decepticons being led by Megatron their assailants. He shouldn't have wanted anything to do with Megatron, at least not anymore.

Regardless, deep down, Optimus Prime was a selfish mech, and he wanted Megatron to himself. More importantly, a bond was a bond, and if they went too long without reconnecting their sparks and relishing in said bond, it became uncomfortable; they couldn't feel each other, communicate, or sense the other's location. A pain would start in their sparks, and the longer they went without renewing their bond, the worse the pain got; the worse their pain got, the more it occupied their processors, and the less work they got done for their respective causes.

So, they met in secret to renew their bond, and no one on either side of the war knew about it. No one needed to know about it, especially with how it went most of the time. Optimus would go in well-intended, guarded and ready to simply push their sparks together and leave, and Megatron would somehow lure him into intimate bonding and passionate interfacing just like they'd had when they were younger.

Somehow, that always made his spark hurt even more.

"Megatron... Let's get this over with," Optimus whispered, pain pumping through his circuits.

It was a terribly beautiful night for such a bittersweet event to occur on. The weather was warm with a light breeze, the forest still smelling of rain that had fallen the day before. The grass beneath their stabilizing servos was dewy, green, and plush, and the trees around them were tall and thick and healthy. Fireflies flickered and flew as they lit the already starry black night sky with their fluorescent glow.

"Let's get this over with, hm? Really?" Megatron laughed, something heavy and hearty yet breathy and sardonic. Whatever personal boundaries they had dropped in an instant as the other mech got in his face, the smile suddenly replaced with a hardened and judgmental glare. "Tch, that's not what you were saying last time, Prime."

"Don't remind me," Optimus stepped back, then reached up to take his nasal bridge between his thumb and his pointer digit so he could pinch it. The nervous tic of his relieved his anxiety if only for a moment- at least until Megatron took two steps closer, almost as if to show off that no matter how hard Optimus tried to get away, Megatron would never let him. Part of him hated that. The other part of him loved it; the obsession, the attention, the yearning that they shared. "I was... Weaker, last time we did this."

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