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Megatron was surprised when he woke up warm and cozy, his body in a berth that actually fit him for the first time since he'd landed on earth and covered in blankets. It was clear that whoever had tucked him in had done it with care- he was covered from the ends of his stabilizing servos to his chin. He hadn't slept decently at all since coming to earth, trapped in the mines that he called a base with nothing to sleep on but cold rocks. For a moment, he thought it was a dream that he didn't want to wake up from, but then he felt the shifting of another weight on the bed- someone was sitting right next to him, on the edge, and their weight was a lot smaller and lighter than his own. His optics snapped open.

Shock and dread filled him when he saw no other than Optimus Prime, staring down at him with a look that Megatron hadn't seen on his face before. His cheeks were red, his plump lips were possessed with a beautifully bright smile, and his sky-blue optics sparkled with something tender and sweet. If he didn't know better, he would say that Optimus was looking at him like a lover would.

Then again, he didn't dare let his obsession over the little Prime best his logical mind. He knew better. Optimus Prime was too innocent and righteous for him, but regardless, he found solace in the other mech's presence. Usually, though, they were fighting. This was a lot different.

Last he remembered, he had been flying back to his base in his alt mode, only for a snowstorm to send him out of control. It was his fault, really; they didn't have snow back on Cybertron and he should've researched more before flying in it, especially with the winds as bad as they were. He was sure he'd crashed landed, and now, he was in a bed with Optimus Prime staring down at him, so he assumed that the Autobot must have found him and taken him back to wherever they were to make sure he was okay.

"Megatron, I..." Optimus started in a whisper, only to stop, cheeks growing even more red than they already were.

I couldn't utter my love when it counted... Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now- and I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted...

"What is it?" He pried and sat up, pushing the covers off of himself. He almost expected to be in stasis cuffs, but when he sat up, he found that he was perfectly free to move, even with some sore joints and dents and scrapes that had been repaired- no doubt by novice servos, meaning that Optimus probably did it himself. Megatron understood, of course. If Optimus had dared take Megatron to the medic, he would've been arrested, but... Why was Optimus doing this in the first place? Treating his wounds and sheltering him so suddenly after their teams had been fighting for months on end? "If you have something to say, Autobot, say it."

"Megatron... Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Optimus murmured, clearly trying to divert attention from himself.

"Hm... No, not in particular, little Autobot," Megatron answered.

His relationship with Optimus was... Weird, to say the least. He'd fallen for the other mech the second they laid optics on each other, but he assumed Optimus didn't feel the same, so he never said anything about it.

He was surprised that Optimus hadn't stood from the bed yet. The two of them were in the closest proximity they'd ever been without actually fighting, and his spark was beating damn near out of his chest because of it. To distract himself, Megatron took in the room, which was clearly Optimus's; dark blue bedding and pillows, relatively plain walls, clean and pristine with a few children's drawings (the organic child's, he figured) and pictures of his team hung on a corkboard on the opposite wall. The lighting was warm and soft, mostly coming from the lamp that sat on the Prime's nightstand- it was dim, though, and as Megatron looked out the window, he realized it was nighttime.

Just how long had he been out for?

"Really? Nothing? You-" Optimus was cut off when Megatron laughed, something mocking and full of amusement. Did he mean it? No. Was the frustrated look on Optimus's face worth it? Surely. "Ugh, you make me so mad!"

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