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Taehyun pressed his back against the wall, listening carefully to the footsteps of the Schicksal guards. He held the trigger of his gun carefully, pulling it to the side when the sides glowed a bright neon green. He thought that a regular gun would be better in the situation he was in, but maybe the Helios rifle was better.

"The bomb is in that room there, you just need to get past those five guards and use the sensor on one of their masks to enter the vault."

"I'm well aware for what I need to do," Taehyun muttered into his in-ear. "I'm putting off until I get in, I don't want you to distract me."

"Rodger that, I'll be waiting."

Taehyun disconnected the in-ear, holding his gun in his hands tightly. He exhaled deeply and quickly turned the corner, firing his gun at the men standing at the vault's entrance. They shot back immediately, using similar weapons to what Taehyun had. He shot one man down against his chest, and another by his dominant shoulder.

Taehyun ran forward, shooting as he did so. He raised his leg quickly, roundhouse kicking one guard against his face and knocking him down. The mask fell off and he immediately shot the man in his head. Taehyun ran forward, shooting once into the next guard's left shoulder, then his right, and finally kicked off his mask.

Taehyun held down on the trigger, shooting multiple energy bullets into the man before rushing forward and kicking the last man down, pushing him against the vault door with the force of his kick. He held the man's head to the sensor and it beeped, the large metal door groaning as it opened.

He released the man's head and he fell to the ground limply. Taehyun stepped in, looking around the room with careful steps just in case there was anyone else in the room. He raised in gun when he heard a chuckle, pointing his gun in the direction of the pompous laugh.

"You have some nerve coming here, Anti-Entropy agent."

Taehyun kept his gaze firm as a masked figure stepped out into the fading purple light illuminating the room from the Helios bomb in the middle of the room. "Did you set this bomb up? Do you know how many damn lives will be lost?"

"Do you know how much I don't care?" the masked figure asked, laughing as he reached beside him to pick up his gun. His grip was firm, so Taehyun could tell he was serious. "It's always like you Anti-Entropy shits to interrupt our operations. Tch. Utterly annoying."

"Your damn operations always occur at the sacrifice of innocent lives. Tch. Utterly annoying."

The figure chuckled from beyond his black mask, holding the pistol in his hand and aiming at Taehyun. "To think we used to be close... then you sided with them..."

"I'm not interested in being friends, asshole," Taehyun scoffed. "That thing behind you will be kill millions. Is that really what Schicksal wants?"

"We want to drive the world to fear, isn't it obvious?" the figure asked. "We won't let you interrupt our mission, Kang Taehyun. If you're reborn as an agent in your next life, maybe you should conceal your identity better."

"Not like that matters, because you're the only one who saw. You won't live after this," Taehyun said, aiming with his gun. He began shooting immediately, but the masked figure dodged all his streams on Helios shots. Taehyun gritted his teeth as the figure his behind a pillar and he followed suit, preferring to hide his figure.

"You aren't curious as to how I know you?" the figure called out a question, almost catching Taehyun off guard.

"Not really, it's exactly like Schicksal to dig into everyone's business," Taehyun answered, checking the gauge on his gun. He gritted his teeth, noticing the glowing blue number displaying an angering 22%. He thought the residual Helios energy from the bomb would charge his gun, but it was slower than he thought.

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