March 8th- Day Eight

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     Share something you struggle with.

Ive struggled with anxiety since High school pretty much but I was only diagnosed when I was 20 with anxiety & depression. Its a battle I have to fight through every single day & I try my best to make my episodes less severe by doing things I love to do like painting, listening to music, playing sims things that make me happy to calm my depression. For my anxiety I do things I have to do like drinking tea, eating right, doing some chores, writing in my journal, taking deep breaths these small things calm my anxiety & panic attacks.
I have been also struggling wit hypothyroidism for around 3 years, it started when I was 14 when I would get irregular periods so my doctor put me on birth control when I started being sexually active. I think the birth control I ended up taking for 5 years gave me hypothyroidism so now I have a problem with my thyroid hormones for pretty much the rest of my life.
Also for the past 3 months I've been struggling wit pains in my chest, side & stomach area. It is pains that come & go some days are bad, some days are good & some days are just okay. Its started with a pain on my side & then went down to my side & stomach area then I ended up catching covid for xmas & new years. Ive gone to see so many doctors in hospitals & in clinics apparently they think I have Costochondritis its a chronic illness that causes pain in the chest area in the cartilage around the ribs. I am so tired & weak all of the time, my mental health has gotten so bad because of this even though I am trying so hard to not give up its taken everything in me. I went from trying to live & love life to literally taking it day by day wondering if i'll be in pain today or not. I feel like no one understands my situation and they think I'm making it up or maybe they just don't care anymore because its been going on for too long but I'm the one still going through this & I'm trying, IM REALLY TRYING TO LIVE!
Its a lot to handle, my mind & body are exhausted but I got to keep fighting on for not only the people I love & love me but also for me & my future life that I dream about so much.

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