March 11th- Day Eleven

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Something you always think "What if..." about.

I have a lot of what ifs when it comes to my life decisions i am a pisces so its hard for me to make decisions especially when it comes to hurting peoples feelings.

- What if I had made a move on my first love in high school instead of going out with someone who i thought i loved but actually didn't love in that way.
I should've just stayed friends with him & what happened during our "relationship" would've never given me trauma.

- What if my best guy friend that I actually wanted to choose had told me how he feels & I would've chosen him to be with instead of the other guy who would later give me emotional trauma & be the most mentally & physically abusive 8 year relationship of my life. What would have happened?

- I always told her "I love you way more than you know" but what if I wasn't so scared of losing her & was just honest with her & told her that I wanted to be with her more than anything in this world! What if I had owned up to being bisexual instead of being in the closet & dating guys i didn't like? Would I have had the courage to make a move on the only girl I've ever loved? Would she have felt the same way or be weirded out by my love & not talk to me ever again? Or would it have been a beautiful and incredible relationship filled wit love and friendship?

Truth is,  "What If" is just a glimpse of what could've been, that floods your head with scenarios of things that "might" have happened instead of what actually happened in your life but we don't actually know what could've happened. We all make decisions and life is a constant domino affect of those decisions. We are meant to mess up, choose wrong paths, learn lessons, & fall in love with the wrong people because thats apart of life!
You just have to follow your heart in the end!

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