March 23rd- Day Twenty Third

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A letter to someone, anyone.

I now know the reason you were so hard on me growing up I thought it was because you didn't like me or I wasn't doing enough or maybe just because I was a girl. I know now its because of how you were raised, to always expect the best from the people you care about & nothing less. Thats why you were like that with me & also your sons too. You were trying to push me to be the best at anything that would secure my future but I'm not like you I'm sensitive & kind hearted and give people way to many chances then they deserve I think with my heart not my mind. I want you to know I am sorry for not calling you enough because now that ur gone it feels weird without you & your weird loud laugh. I now know after all this time that we are the way we are because of how were raised my our parents & our grandparents & our grandparents parents its a generational cycle of putting our problems on to our kids but it stops with me because I want you to know that I am healing myself I know I have done many wrong turns in my life but I am finally choosing the right path to heal my mind & soul & I am doing my best. I may not become a millionaire and have my own successful business or I may not even be able to have kids but I will be happy, my way, because I choose what I want to do with my life and no one else. I know you meant for the way you were to come out as love.
So Thank you for giving me tough love.

Until we meet again,

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