March 19th- Day Nineteen

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Discuss your first love
My first love technically was my best friend I already talked about how much I have loved her since she first slept over at my house the first time but she always like guys so I never made a move.
My first real love relationship wise was the man I fell in love with almost 9 years ago when I was 18, he was 20. I met him at an lgbtq club, my first time ever clubbing that my friends at the time brought me to on my friends bday weekend. My friend introduced us cuz she met him & his brothers a while ago & she wanted me to break up with my terrible boyfriend at the time. We started texting and I broke up with my on again off again boyfriend cuz I wanted to be with him. We started off seeing each other and he would give me butterflies every time I saw him & we kissed. He asked me out a month later and had our first time together 3 weeks after that after saying we loved each other. Being with him was easy like breathing he was my best friend & my love. I became completely obsessed with him it was like he was my drug & I needed my fix everyday! Six months in I asked him to move in to my moms house cuz of his situation with his family. His mom hated me since day one when he didn't even know me. About 1 year in, thats when things started going down hill he started lying to me, but turns out he had been lying since day one everything he told me about him like his full name, his past, his body count, the stories he told was all a lie! From then on our relationship was more of a game to us, he would lie so I would, he would do something so then I would. It got to the point where this went on for years & we became toxic for each other but with great sex. Then we became physically & emotionally abusive towards each other to the point we made each other sick. There is so much more to this story that I cant fit everything but everything bc will be in the book I am writing nothing will be exaggerated because there is enough drama in my life to keep anyone that reads it entertained. There is not a happy ending to this story though & I don't think there will ever be with a twin flame like this!

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