March 16th- Day Sixteen

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Something that you miss.
-High school-
It was such an easier time...being young without so many health problems, responsibilities, traumas back when my problems were just tests and boys and trying to make the ones I liked like me back.
I miss spending time with my best friends at lunch, during classes especially gym class, after school & weekends, going to the mall every week, going to the movies every Tuesday cuz we were broke kids, going to the video store every Friday & buying a giant bag of popcorn for our movie marathons & having sleepovers; those were the best times!
I had a lot of fun in my teenage years it wasn't anything extraordinary like travelling & exploring and whatever else teenagers do now but it was fun,  stress free and we did whatever we felt like doing before any of us got boyfriends and started thinking about our futures and I want that back I want to have more fun again with my friends and explore the cities and travel to learn new languages & culture and try new hobbies.
I want to live life again
I miss my life & I feel robbed of my 20's because of some guy I fell in love with when I was 18 I never got to experience the things you should experience in your young adult years but theres still time.

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