5th - 8th March '22

15 0 16

5th - Couldn't do anything, we had guests over.

6th - Nothing again. I can't even remember what I did on Sunday. I think I was finishing up some school work.

7th - School began, marks came out, they were bad (as usual) and I got screwed (also as usual) and cried (also also as usual). I'm going to try to leave behind the previous year and start anew, I think? Both years' portions come for entrance exam so... yeah. If it counts, I studied Electric Charges and Field (Physics).

8th - Still on the same chapter! In Maths, I'm doing Relations and Functions. Basically going through everything school taught on a daily basis. Will do the Physics exercise soon too!

Mom scolded me a lot and she's constantly vigilant but it doesn't matter to me. Dad's giving me the silent treatment and he just declared he doesn't care for me anymore because I make him feel 'unfulfilled'. I'm scared we'll never go back again, but what's the point anyway? Not like I'll improve or anything. But now there's nothing to even hold on to. He was - and still is - my everything.

I'm lost.

Have I ever shared this? Maybe I have, then here it is again!

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