Chapter 8-Year 2

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There was only one word to describe life back at home: boring. Being surrounded by magic for so many months, without it, now I just felt empty. I didn't have anything to do full day. I never had many friends back in England because everything used to think I was a freak. 

Children my age wanted to avoid the 'freaky girl' at all costs. Moreover, doing magic not knowing I was a witch was like an icing on the cake. The girls used to associate me with bad omens or something. Even Hermione had suffered a lot since her magic started showing. Both of us thought we were going insane until Professor McGonagall showed up and told us we were witches.

I spent most of my summer in the library. In spite of not having the membership, the librarian let me borrow some books because she always knew I would be back the next day. Me and Hermione had pleaded Dad to take us to Diagon Alley just the day after we returned back so that we could at least do something productive in our free time over the holidays. We had bought all the essential books and would be paying one more visit to buy rest of the stuff before returning back to school.

I was terribly missing Hogwarts. I had exchanged a few letters with Ron, Padma and Cho. I had even sent a couple of letters to Harry but for some reason he had not responded to neither mine nor Hermione's letters. Sending letters was very tough because we could only get owl service when any of our friends sent their owls over to deliver us something. I am definitely getting an owl when I have enough savings.

According to everyone else in the town, our father had put both me and Hermione to some boarding school in Scotland and we had only returned for the summer holidays. Hermione had returned for the Christmas holidays as well but I had preferred to stay at Hogwarts.

My second year was about to start in a few days and I was beyond excited. I wanted to return back to Hogwarts, I wanted to see the magic again. The only thing I was gonna miss was my phone. Damn, if phones could work at Hogwarts.

All those substitutes for magic Muggles use – electricity, and computers and radar, and all those things – they all go haywire around Hogwarts, there's too much magic in the air.

Not that it mattered to me that much. Anyways I did not have much contacts. Only Padma, Harry's family phone whose number he had given me in case of emergency, Hermione, my dad and a muggle friend I used to have, Sheila. Since she was my only friend before Hogwarts, I did not have it in me to delete her number after we lost touch.

The only reason I would have wanted to take my phone were songs. I literally love singers like Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, One Direction, Billie Eilish, Justin Bieber, Olivia Rodrigo, Charlie Puth and Imagine Dragons. My list could go on and on. 

I decided to write one last letter to Cho before I went off to Hogwarts since her parents were wizards and she did not have a phone.

Dear Cho,
How are you? I might just need to murder you for not writing to me more often. So what's up? I really wanna tell you about this brilliant prank I pulled. 
Hermione is damn scared of ghosts and stuff. When she went out to take some books from the library, I swapped one of the books she was reading. I changed the covers so she thought it was the same book as before, but I had bought this book monsters book from Diagon Alley which she was unaware of. So when she picked up the book to read the sweet little love story that she was originally reading, holograms of creepy ghosts started to appear all around her room with the creep noises as well. She shrieked so loudly that I could swear it caused an earthquake. And the best part was that she didn't even suspect me for the moment she regained her consciousness, Ron's owl appeared at her window carrying his letter and she was thoroughly convinced that he was the one who had set this up. 
Anyways, I had visited Diagon Alley yesterday before going off to Hogwarts. I was quite sad that you couldn't meet me there but its alright. We will meet tomorrow in the train. Till then, take care. Love you sister. 
P.S. Gilderoy Lockhart is our new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. Personally, after meeting him, I seriously think there is something wrong with his brain. Although, Hermione really loved him. Guess the twins don't match in choosing boys. 
Yours lovingly, 
Ariana Granger. 

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