Chapter 9

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I felt quite nostalgic being back in the castle. I had missed it like hell. How couldn't I? Hogwarts is my home.

One weird thing was that I had set halfway through the journey I had abandoned Cho, Padma, Parvati, Padma's twin sister, and Lavender Brown, Parvati's Gryffindor friend to meet Harry and Ron. I had practically searched the whole train but I couldn't find them.

I barged into literally every compartment in search of them but they were nowhere to be seen. Of course, the most unpleasant experience was barging into Draco Malfoy's compartment. That rude, obnoxious, self-obsessed narcissistic piece of  annoys the hell out of me.

I had even asked Hermione but even she could not find the two of them. She was sitting with Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister but joined us when I invited her. Fred and George practically didn't let me breath because of their bear hugs and also introduced me to their partner-in-crime, Lee Jordan.

The students seemed to be in an intense conversation when we were eating our food in the Great Hall. I was busy chatting with Cho but I had caught small snippets of their conversation. I hadn't meant to eavesdrop, it was their fault for speaking so loudly....

"....flying car!"

"....muggle Ford!"

"....over the Hogwarts Express!"

"....flew right into the Whomping Willow!"

Before I could dwell on it any longer, the sorting ceremony started. As expected, Ginny got sorted into Gryffindor.

After the sorting got over, the students had started conversing again. That was when I caught the full conversation. 

"Did you hear? Harry and Ron arrived to school by a flying muggle car called Ford Anglia. They were flying right above the Hogwarts Express and upon arrival they crashed into the Whomping Willow. Apparently, Ron broke his wand."

My stomach dropped. What the heck!

"Not hungry anymore. Gonna go to the common room. See ya." I rushed as fast as I could.

In reality, I was not going to the Ravenclaw Common Room. All I wanted right now was to teach Harry and Ron a lesson. I gave Hermione a look and she instantly understood what I meant. Don't ask me, twin thing.

Both me and Hermione rushed to the Gryffindor tower. Hermione muttered the password to the Fat Lady and both of us started searching for Harry and Ron. And there they were, sitting on couches with that stupid guilty looks on their faces and eating bloody sandwiches! We were hell-bent on searching for them and they were peacefully eating sandwiches! They are so dead.

"Stupefy!" I shouted.

Hermione looked at me with a shocked expression on her face.

"What? You didn't expect me to let them get away with it, did you?" I asked her. She just shrugged. We just waited for the next five minutes after which they started to regain their consciousness. Did I mention they fell unconscious because of the spell?

"WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?" Me and Hermione shouted together. Again, don't ask me, twin thing. At least we don't finish each other's sentences like Fred and George.

"Uhh....we....ummm....uhhh....actually...." And their goes Harry's train of awkwardness. Right now I can't believe I used to think this was cute.

"Are you going to speak up or what?" Hermione glared at the boys.

"The barrier closed early. Mum and Das were at the platform with the rest. Train departed at 11. We did not know what to do. We knew the car was parked outside so we flew it. We lost control while reaching school It struck the Whomping Willow" Ron explained.

Me and Hermione were dumbstruck for a moment. Before we could speak up, Ron started with his drama.

"Gosh, Mum is gonna kill me." Ron groaned.

"I hope she does." I shot back.

"Okay girls. Chill out. It wasn't that big of a deal. Drop it." Ron replied.

"Not a big deal?! Are you kidding me?! You could have died! You could have been seen! And arriving to school in a flying car when we have a perfectly nice train to take us is definitely 100% legit. I seriously don't kn—"

Before Hermione could continue her rambling any further, Ron put his hand over her mouth. We stood like that for God knows how long — Ron with her hand over Herms' mouth, Herms trying to escape his clutches, me standing bitterly angry at the boys, Harry awkwardly standing far away from us, probably thinking how crazy we are.

"I better go. Cho is waiting for me. Good night guys." I broke the silence.

They simply nodded their heads.

"Night Ariana." Harry said just before I left rubbing his neck.

Well, that was weird. What is on with this boy today?

On my way to Ravenclaw Common Room, I bumped into someone and both of us fell to the ground.

"Watch where y—" I was cut short by the boy helping me up.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He offered his hand.

I looked up to see a gorgeously handsome boy, slightly older standing above me. I saw a shining badge on his chest. Damn, he is a Hufflepuff Prefect.

"Its alright." I smiled and took his hand.

"Cedric Diggory." He said.

"Ariana Granger." I replied and shook his hand.

"Dare I ask what were you doing in the corridors past bedtime?" He said.

"Oh my, I didn't notice the time. I was teaching Harry and Ron a lesson after their little adventure and was heading back to my common room now. I am sorry." I replied guiltily.

"I am gonna pretend I never saw you." He smiled.

"Thank you Cedric. You are a life-saver." I replied and ran to my common room.

I have to tell everything to Cho.

 Hopefully she won't be mad at me for lying about where I went...

A/N: Hey Guys! We are sooo close to 500 reads. Can we reach 500 by the end of the next week?

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Love you all <3

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