☆ The Zygon Invasion ☆ Part 3

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In Clara's flat the alarm clock shows the time backwards then correctly.


Clara gets up and walks along the corridor to the bathroom. She opens the cabinet and takes out a tube labelled this is toothpaste, then squeezes some onto her toothbrush, dropping it in the sink when she sees it's black.

"Clara. Clara!" Clara goes to the living room.

"You're breaking up!" The television screen is crackling with a static signal.

"The invasion has happened. You're probably surrounded by Zygons. Get to the TARDIS, get yourself safe. Apparently, our plane is never going to land. Let's see what I can do about that!"

"I'm sorry, but Clara's dead" Clara runs to the front door and opens it but there is nothing but a blank wall. She goes to the windows and opens the curtains. Blank.

"Dream checks" the newspaper print is gibberish "dream checks, dream checks" Clara mumbles.

"It's your decision, Doctor," Clara turns more pages to read "truth or Consequences" the television now shows Clara-Zygon's point of view through the missile launcher aimed at the Doctor's aeroplane. Clara leaps up and jolts the TV. Bonnie's arm jerks and the missile misses the plane. In the plane, Osgood is looking out the window.

"Doctor?" The plane rocks as the missile zooms past, he takes hold of Osgood.

"Missed," the Doctor says, Bonnie reloads and aims. Clara strains to move the TV again, but it won't budge. Instead, she shapes her hand as if it is on the trigger and tries to stop her counterpart from squeezing. She bites it and Bonnie fires the missile.

"Doctor!" {Y/n} shouts.

The plane explodes, and bonnie turns away, satisfied.

Time skip

The beach is littered with bits of wreckage from the plane. Osgood sits up, still wearing the parachute harness. She feels around her for her glasses and finds they have broken at the bridge.

"Doctor? {Y/n}!" Osgood shrugs off her harness and goes to where the two are. The Doctor gets out of his harness and helps {Y/n} up from hers.

"Any questions?" He asks, fixing up his sonic glasses.

"Why do you have a Union jack parachute?" She asks.

"Er, camouflage," he expresses.


"Yes, we're in Britain. Oh, your specs are broken. I'll fix them. You can wear mine, they're sonic" the Doctor says, handing them over to her.

"Sonic, specs?"


"Isn't that a bit pointless? Like a visual hearing aid?"

"What's wrong with pointless? I once invented an invisible watch. Spot the design flaw," he says.

"I think they're great," {Y/n} smiles, stumbling over some rocks.

"You're talking nonsense to distract me from being really scared. It's one of your known character traits" Osgood says as she puts on the sonic glasses.

"Don't look at my browser history," he says just as the sunglasses beep, {Y/n} cringes.


"Yeah, I said don't," they reach the concrete jetty leading up off the beach and walk up it.

"Why didn't that Zygon blow us with her big bazooka thingy?" {Y/n} asks.

"She did blow us up with her big bazooka this is us being blown up with a big bazooka," the Doctor says extending his arms.

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