☆ Dark Water ☆ - Part 2

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"Come in, come in. I'm going to need to take a reading off you," Chang says back at the two who had just caught up with him and entered the room.

One of the tombs similar to the ones outside was in the room.

"What do you mean by reading?" {Y/n} asked intrigued.

"Won't hurt," Chang says, flicking a switch.

{Y/n} watched him through the corner of her eyes furrowing at him, but left the matter alone to focus on why she was here.

The Doctor continued to scan over everything in sight. {Y/n} right by his side.

"How does the body keeps it integrity? Why isn't it just a bunch of bones floating about?" The Doctor thinks out loud.

"Makes perfect sense to me," {Y/n} mumbled. Her slight sarcasm betraying her.

"Each body is encased in a support exoskeleton," Chang speaks fundamentally.

"An exoskeleton that's invisible?"

"Its only invisible when it's in the water. There's a specially engineered refraction index in the fluid so we can see the tank resident unimpeded by the support mechanisms," Chang explains.

{Y/n} takes a look back at the Doctor with a look that silently pleads for help in understanding what he said.

"So, each skeleton is inside something?" The Doctor asks.


"So your telling us this is X-ray water?" {Y/n} points.

"Its so cool. Look at this. We call it 'Dark Water,' " Chang says, demonstrating by putting his hand into a container of water which eventually shows his watch disappearing like magic. You would think the water was enchanted.

"Only organic matter can be seen through it," Chang foreshows, removing his hand and drying it.

"I keep saying they should use this stuff in swimming pools," Chang adds quickly, making {Y/n}'s head tilt in thought.

"Why?" The Doctor queries.

"Think about it,"

"I am thinking about it. Why?"

"Im getting this strong feeling that your forgetting why we're here," {Y/n} hissed  to him.

"I'm just curious about what he has to say, thats all," The Doctor feigns.

"Well then, a little tip for you in the future would be If your going to pretend to be interested. At least act on it better," {Y/n} redicules.

"Sorry, Chang."

"It's no problem a tall really," He waves.

"Why is your company named 3W?" The Doctor intrudes.

"Well, you know, don't you? You're here on buisness or they wouldn't have let you in. Sorry. Should of checked. Who are you?" Chang questioned at ease.

"I thought that you would never ask. Sort out your security protocalls, they're a disgrace," The Doctor says, {Y/n} silently agreeing in the background of him. He takes out his psychic paper to show him.

"Another government inpection? So Soon? Why is there all this swearing?" Chang asked.

"Oh, I've got a lot of internalised anger. What does 3W stand for?" The Doctor asked, proceeding to move and stand across from him.

"Well, the three words," Chang starts.

"What three words?" {Y/n} asked.

"Seriously? You don't know?"

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