☆ Flatline ☆ - Part 2

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"What happens if they touch us?" Rigsy asked, panicking.

"I personally don't want to find out," {Y/n} says.

They all back up and climb onto a seat that hung from the ceiling.

"They can't jump, can they?"

"Good question. Can they jump?" {Y/n} adds with worry. Clara's phone starts ringing.

Clara was on the phone with Danny watching as the enemy begins to make the carpet wobble and move towards them.

"Clara, the window!" {Y/n} shouts over the noise. The fireplace and mantelpiece wobble next. The wobble is coming towards them in every direction, except down.

"Look! Look! They're climbing the walls!" Rigsy shouts.

Danny was concerned that Clara was in danger, but Clara lies, sonicing the window to make the chain come off from the ceiling and crash through.

Time skip

"This explains everything. They're from a universe with only two dimensions. And Yes, that is a thing. It's long been theorised, of course, but no one could go there and prove its existence without a heck of a diet," The Doctor explained.

"And, what long story are you going to tell Danny, huh? Or haven't you made it up yet?" The Doctor adds.

"Sorry, what? What was that?"

"Excellent lying, Doctor Oswald," The Doctor remarks.

"Yeah? well, thought it was pretty weak myself," Clara sighs.

"I meant to me. You told me that Danny was ok with you being back on board the TARDIS," He says.

"Well, he is,"

"No he isn't. I've been thinking the same thing since we got here you know. Why is it you aren't able to keep anything on the TARDIS yet your aloud to travel with us, Clara? It doesn't make any sense," {Y/n} said.

"Exactly. He doesn't know anything about it," The Doctor adds.


"Congratulations. Lying is your vital survival skill,"

"Well, there you go,"

"And a terrible habit," Clara hears static in her earbud.

"Yeah, of course, we are," The Doctor mutters.

"No, really, you are. I can't hear you," Clara says.

"What? Oh, right, blowing out that window must have affected your earpiece. Take it out and sonic it," The Doctor instructed.

"Doing it,"

Rigsy goes around the corner to see that his work crew are painting over the murals.

"Hey, they can't do that. Hey! What are you doing?" Rigsy panics.

"Our job. You're on report, by the way. Late back from lunch,"

"Does it even still count as lying if you're doing it for someone's own good? Well, like technically their own good," Clara said mostly to {Y/n}.

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