☆ Last Christmas ☆

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{Y/n} pounced up with a start, panting heavily and taking a moment to wake before realising that she was back in her room.

The window in her room showed it was snowing. Strange considering how it hadn't been the previous night.

Once seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she sighs and lays back down, placing her hands over her face.

Shuffling, followed by some loud banging disturbs her from going back to sleep. She jolts up fearing that someone had gotten into her house.

The noises continued as she sat on her bed trying to determin where the noice was coming from and what it could be making it. She grabbed her gown that was hanging over the door and ran down outside to see that the chimney on her roof had been knocked down by something.

"What the -" in the sky she spots what could only be described as a herd of reindeer flying above her house.

"Am I high or something?" She says to herself while looking up at the three creatures that faught with one another. If anything, she was more surprised that it didn't cause a disturbance throughout the rest of street with the amount of noise they created.

Wasting no-more time, she ran back inside and got into some suitable clothing to investigate the situation happening on her roof.


When she approached the door to her roof, she hears a group of voices arguing with each other

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When she approached the door to her roof, she hears a group of voices arguing with each other.


"Is that not racist?"

"No, of course It's not racist because you are an elf,"


"I'm sorry,"

"I'm just checking to see if you can see these massive chimneys," a bearded man said to two other smaller males that were crouched down beside him dressed as what seemed like elfs?

She looked up at the bearded man and couldn't believe what she was seeing. He was dressed up as Santa.

"Okay...definitely loosing it," She says.

The slightly smaller men began calling the reindeers that were flying carelessly in the sky.

The bearded man instructs one of the 'elfs' to collect the tangerines that fell on the ground. As he begins to pick some up, he spots a shadow casting over him and looks up, shinning his light to see {Y/n} standing, staring at him.

"Er, sir, we've been seen," The elf says causing the bearded man to look round in fear.

"Hello," he greets.

"Hi..." she trails.

He takes a step forwards and puts his hand out to keep the elfs from following.

"Hello, human,"

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