Chapter 8

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You didn't quite know what to say, her words frightened you but also gave you very slight excitement.

"You're very shy, aren't you?"

She raised her head up a little as she continued to look at you.

You were about to speak before she asked you a question.

"What is your name, dear?"

She squinted her eyes at you, expecting an answer.

You finally spoke.


"Y/n?.. I haven't heard that name in a very long time, I like it"

You nodded your head in a agreement.

"Uh..Thank you"

She simply just looked at you, she quit squinting.

"although.. I will most likely call you something different"

You were confused, and she could she it in your eyes.

She gave out a short laugh.

"A little nickname for you, I'll have to decide what to go with."

You just nodded slowly.


She stood thinking, as she was doing this you took in how she stood and looked, her makeup was perfect, it almost looked unnatural..maybe it was.. besides that, she stood very still, not moving or breathing just like a statue.

She cleared her throat.

"Staring is quite rude, is it not?"

You abruptly looked away and back towards her face.

"I'm sorry"

She didn't say anything and after a moment she said something else.

"The time for me to feed is close.."

Your heart beat quickened, fear came to you and you could feel it in your stomach, you didn't let your fear show, at least you thought you didn't.

You were scared that you were her meal.

Her eyes made a slow look to your neck and chest.

"Is something the matter?.."

She said this slowly, and a little more deeply.

"No no everything is fine.."

Her eyes went to your wrists, seeing a metal cuff on one her eye twitched, and you swore you saw her give a face of anger.

"Heisenberg is such a great fool to leave you to me, your blood..does smell good, if I hadn't controlled my hunger years ago..I would've killed you already."

You didn't say anything but looked her directly in the eyes.

-would she really?..-

"I have left the main objective I was on, I won't talk about this furthermore"

You nodded.

"My daughters will escort you to your room.. I have things I need to do"

You realized you might've focused on Lady Dimitrescu too much, you looked up towards the top of the stairwell to see three women dressed in black cloaks, the whole castle wasn't too bright, making their appearance seem more intimidating.

The woman in the front had blonde hair, with a red gem in the middle on her neck, it was held together by black thread.

She was most likely the one that liked to lead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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