Chapter Four

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I sit in the garden with my feet in the pool just looking up at the sky.

"Why is it always me?" I sigh.

This is what seems to happen each time I find happiness in some sort of way.

I find comfort in the violence sometimes, but it can be extremely stressful.

"Paislee?" I hear from the back door.

He sits next to me.

I don't look or pay attention to him.

"We didn't realise you were there.
I'm sorry you had to see that, love" he looks at me.

"It's fine, I just wanted fresh air." I nod.

"You wanna come back in?" He nods.

"In a second" I look up a little and realise it's Daniel.

"Okay, love.
Just don't stay out here too long.
It's getting dark and chilly" he smiles and gets up.

I nod and wait for him to leave.

"Oh, and always know that if you need a chat.
I'm here to be a listener." He looks back at me.

"Yeah, I know.
Thank you, Daniel" I smile a little.

"You're very welcome" he smiles and goes inside.

I get up and walk back inside to see the boys hurrying together.

"Wait, Paislee.
You can't see this" Jonah covers the odd shaped looking thing behind him.

"Why not?" I look at them confused.

"It's a birthday surprise!" Jack nods.

"It's a bit late for a birthday surprise, my birthday is tomorrow" I look at them.

"Well, we were a little late as we wanted to get you something special!" Corbyn nods.

"Why don't we get you something to eat?" Daniel nods taking me to the kitchen while the boys frantically wrap the gift and put it with the rest.

"What would you like?" He looks at me.

"I honestly don't mind.. maybe peanut butter on toast?" I smile.

"Something easy! I can do that" he nods and quickly whips up some food.

"Thank you" I chuckle.

My birthday arrives and I open the gift the boys were wrapping yesterday.

Oh my goodness" i look at them shocked.

"That's so expensive..
You really didn't need to!" I look at them.

"Well we did!" Jonah smiles.

"Thank you so so much.
They're beautiful shoes" I smile and put them on.

A few days later, it comes time to leave and go back to the orphanage.

There's a knock on the door.
Jonah opens it to reveal a baby in a basket laying on the doorstep with a note.

"You got me pregnant, Avery.
You can take the baby" Jonah looks at Jack as he reads.

"What's her name?" I look at them.

"Why the hell is a baby on our doorstep" Zach walks up to them.

"Her name is Lillee Wren Avery" Jonah reads the note.

"How am I gonna take care of a kid?" Jack sighs.

"Well, you guys better figure it out before I get back!
Im not having a baby in this house.
Come on, Paislee! You need to get back to the orphanage" David looks at me.

Adopted By Why Don't Weحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن