Chapter Nine

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We make our way to the car.

"Where are we going?" I look at them a little confused.

"It's a surprise" Jonah smiles.

We begin to drive and we go through a weird forrest like place.

I start to recognise the place realising this is the way to the orphanage.

We stop at a house and I look at it confused.

"Where are we?" I look at them.

"We've brought you to see Everlie" Corbyn smiles.

"what?" I look at them confused.

Jonah knocks on the door and a young woman walks out with a newborn.

I look at them in disbelief.

"Come on Paislee, it's okay" he smiles.

I take Corbyn's hand and he walks me to the door.

"Hi Paislee, I'm Andrea. Everlie's mom" she smiles.

"Hi" I look at the baby.

"Oh, this is Sadie. Everlie's baby sister" she nods.

I nod.

"Everlie is actually napping right now, but she will be up anytime soon" she nods gesturing us to come in.

We walk into the front room and take a seat on the couch.

Jonah is just casually talking to Andrea, when suddenly we hear cries coming from a room down the hall.

"Harry, could you get her please?" Andrea calls.

"On it" A man walks to the room with the letter "E" on the door.

He walks out with a young girl in his arms.

"We go see mommy? Let's go see Mommy and Sadie" he says cuddling her

The little girl gets down from the man's arms and I realise it's Everlie but I'm shocked, she was so little.
I'm not sure how to present myself anymore.

"Hi Princess" Andrea smiles.

"Mama" Everlie gestures to be picked up.

Andrea puts Sadie into the bassinet next to her and picks Everlie up.

"Ev, there's somebody I would like you to meet" Andrea nods.

Those words take a toll and I freeze, I already know Everlie.. but why does she not know me?

Jonah snaps me out of my thoughts as he rubs my back.

"Everlie, this is Paislee. Your big sister" Andrea smiles.

Everlie takes a look at me and immediately cuddles up to Andrea once again.

"I think she's still tired" Andrea nods.

I get shivers up my spine, Everlie has a new family and she's forgotten about me.

"Everlie, don't you remember me? I'm Pay.. I fed you, changed you, and helped you sleep with Mr Giraffe when Mom didn't. Don't you remember?" I walk towards her.

Everlie starts to get upset and I don't know what to do.

"I'm sorry, I can't have you invading her privacy, I know it's a big step for her to meet you again, but you need to remember that she was just 5 months old when you saw her last" Andrea nods kindly.

"I'm not trying to invade her privacy, she's my biological sister. I have just as much of a right to get to know her as you do. You don't know what it's like to spend 2 and a half years constantly crying because they took your only piece of home away." I choke up trying my best not to breakdown.

Adopted By Why Don't Weजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें