Chapter Five

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"Is there a specific girl you're looking for?" She looks at him.

"Well, I actually had guardianship of a young girl.
Her 11th birthday just passed,
Her name is Paislee Rae Johnson.
I was wondering if she is available to be adopted?" He looks at her.

"Are you positive that you want her?
I mean, not many people go for children who are that close to their teenage years.
We can find someone younger?" She looks at him.

"No, no.
I would appreciate alot if I was able to adopt her" he nods.

"Well, this will have to be put through a court case, and a home visitation would need to be put in order to show that you are capable of taking care of her.
If you are able to come to court for her, that would be much appreciated as everything would run smoother.
The girl you are wanting is known to have been adopted quite a few times, and brought straight back to the orphanage so, we have put new measures in place because of this." She nods.

"Okay, whatever it takes" he nods.

"You will also need to sign quite a few papers" she nods

"Not a problem, used to signing things" he nods.

"Right, here is her information and some papers to sign, a court date is scheduled for tomorrow.
Which means, anyone that she will be living with will need to be in attendance" She nods.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" he nods and takes the papers.

Jonah leaves the court house and walks to the car with David.

"I don't know what you think you're doing but adopting the child was not apart of the plan." David looks at him.

"Have you seen the poor girl?
I can't watch her go through her life without a place to call home." Jonah looks at him.

"You better know what you're doing Marais, because I do not like this.
You knew the deal!" He yells a little.

"Oh, fuck off David.
You've controlled our lives for a long time now, I'm taking her, shes my little girl." Jonah nods.

They get back to the boys and the baby is gone.

"What have you done with Lilee?" Jonah looks at them.

"She's being taken care of by some close friends.
I told them that we cannot take her in, so I knew they were trying for a child." Jack nods.

"Good" David nods returning to his studies.

"You can't just get rid of a child like that Jack!
What about when she's older??" Jonah looks at him.

"Oh, yeah because you're one to talk.
Hmm, where's Paislee Jonah?
Oh, wait. You brought her back to the orphanage!" Corbyn yells.

"You don't even know half of the story Corbyn!" Jonah yells.

"Oh yeah? Explain yourself!" He sighs frustrated.

"I couldn't keep her here yet, because I want to adopt her.
The court will not let me have custody of her until I've gone through all the stages" he sighs.

"Right, does she know that?" Corbyn looks at him.

"No, I just told her I have a plan" Jonah nods.

"The poor girl probably thinks you don't want her!" Corbyn looks at him annoyed.

"I don't know what she thinks, they took her before I could even talk properly to her" jonah shakes his head.

"You could've told her in the car!" Corbyn continues to pace the room.

"Corbyn have you grown attached to the kid or something, you've never been this aggravated over a child before." Zach looks at him.

"When I first met her, I didn't know what to think but now I've gotten to know her, I don't think I can live without her.
Shes my little love" he paces around

(Corbyn has a sort of brotherly relationship with Paislee, just like Daniel)

"Im the same with you there, Corbyn.
I miss her so much already" Daniel nods.

"Well, we all need to go through court and stuff." Jonah nods.

"The kid was sweet, yes but you guys aren't thinking about our careers.
We go on tour in like a month, Jonah and you want to adopt a child?" Jack looks at them.

"Jack, you can't even speak on that shit.
You had Lavender with Gabriela so many years ago and we were touring around then!" Zach looks at him.

"Lavender is older, she lives with her mother and stays with her mother while I tour.
It's not the same" he shakes his head.

"Except it is, I'm sure there's people who will take care of her, or even she can come with us.
She's old enough to take care of herself for an hour or so." Jonah nods.

"You haven't even adopted her yet, so leave all that until its actually happened." Corbyn nods.

Back at the orphanage.

It's around dinner time, and the chef has made the same old disgusting broth.

"Miss, do we need to eat this" A kid looks at her trying not to throw up.

"You have this every day! Now eat the food and shut up" she nods

All the kids begin to eat as they probably haven't eaten all day.

I take a look at my food and realise I've eaten quite enough today.

"I'm good" I nod and push the food forward.

"Eat the food, you brat or ill get the Matron" she shouts a little.

"I've eaten today, thanks tho." I nod.

"Matron!" The chef shouts.

I quickly grab the plate and eat the food.

The Matron walks into the room.

(Miss Allen is the supervisor, Matron is like a head master in a school)

"What is it, Cook" She sighs.

"This child is refusing to eat." She looks at me.

The matron walks towards me.

"You seem to be scoffing that food rather fast now, hmm miss Johnson.?"

"Yes, Matron" I nod feeling real sick.

"You didn't listen to dear Cook who spent so much time in the kitchen cooking this lovely meal though, did you Paislee?" She pulls my ear dragging me out of the room.

"I'm sorry, Matron.
I wasn't that hungry today" I nod while biting my tounge in pain.

"You seem to have not learnt your lesson even after spending a week out of the orphanage" she nods and throws me to the ground in the basement where they send kids who are naughty.

"Please don't leave me in here!
I'm sorry" I quickly get up and try racing to the door.

She shuts the door just missing my hand.

"I'm sorry, Matron! Please" I cry out.

The boys go through all the documents needed and look through Paislee's history.

"All we need to do is go to the court date tomorrow, and soon hopefully, I will be able to adopt her" Jonah nods.

All the boys nod in agreement.

As the night goes by the boys head to bed.

(Back to Paislee)

I sit in the basement crying.
I hated this place before, and I still continue to hate it.

I'm always tormented for being here.

I miss Jonah, why didn't they keep me?

Thoughts run through my head about all sorts of different things as I start to become rather scared of this place.
I've never been down here before, although I've never really been disciplined here apart from when I was young.


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