Chapter 5

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Quackity walks into the house, clutching his axe tightly and practically vibrating with anger.
Wilbur's on the sofa, splatters of blood on his clothes, reading a book- The Art Of War, by Sun Tzu.
"Wilbur," Quackity growls.
Wilbur looks up from his book and his face breaks into a wide grin.
"Hey, Quackity, what're you doing here?" he asks smugly.
"Because you killed my fucking fiancés! That's why!" Quackity spits, his grip on the axe increasing.
"Oh, were they your fiancés? Thought they were just hunters you worked with. Ah, well, what's been done has been done," Wilbur says, yawning and closing his book. "Now, if you please, leave my house. I'm nearly at the end of this stupid book I robbed from someone."
"No! You killed my fiancés!" Quackity yells.
"Okay? We've already established that. Now, kindly leave."
"No! I'm getting rev-"
"The door's there, Quackity. Unless you'd like to stay and fight."

Quackity lets out a shrill, mocking laugh. "Yes! Of course I'd like to stay and fight after what you did to Karl and Sapnap!"
"Oh, were those their names? Shame. Well, if it comforts you, they tasted better than a lot of other people do. Do you guys have, like, a special diet or something? Cuz you seem really healthy. Or maybe that's just me. I dunno," Wilbur says casually, picking at his fingernails.
"Fuck off!"
"You're the one in my house, Quackity, not vice versa. It really should be you 'fucking off', you know?" Wilbur says, laughing.
"This place is a dump! How do you even call it a home?" Quackity says annoyedly, gesturing to the room.
"Dunno. Maybe it's because your kind fucking drive me out whenever I get comfortable? Whenever I look after a place, I get chucked out, knobhead," Wilbur says, truly annoyed for the first time today.
"Because you kill people!" Quackity responds annoyedly. "We have to clean up your mess!"
"You think I chose to kill people? You think I do it for fun?" Wilbur laughs.
"You're half right. I do find fun in killing, but I never do it for fun. I have to. I HAVE to! Do you not get this, Quackity? I have to, in order to not go completely insane from hunger! So I can actually control my own body! So my vampiric urges won't take over my brain! I'm still a person in here, you know? I'm still human in some senses, although I've cut all tethers to humanity I can," Wilbur rants, pacing up and down, a shadowed glint in his scarlet eyes.
"You forget that I'm human too!" Quackity protests. "I loved them! So much. And you killed them. Do you forget that they're people too?!" Tears are brimming at his waterline, but he quickly wipes them off. He doesn't want to seem weak.
"I was hungry, and I figured Hey, why not get rid of a few annoying vampire hunters along the way?" Wilbur says defensively. "Didn't know they were your fiancés."
In response to this, Quackity takes both rings off his fingers and throws them at Wilbur.
"Here. Take them. I don't fucking need them any more, do I?" he says in a voice laced with venom and hurt. "I don't need them!"
"Quackity," Wilbur says calmly. "I don't want your dead fiancés' rings. Keep them. They're of no use to me."
"Oh, you will keep them, Wilbur..."
Quackity pauses. He realises he doesn't know Wilbur's last name- and the other man picks up on this.
"Soot. My last name is Soot. If you wanted to give me a telling-off, or whatever the fuck you were on about, that's my last name for you, I guess," Wilbur says quietly.
"Okay. Soot. As I was saying, you're going to keep those fucking rings, Wilbur Soot, as a reminder of what you did to them. As a reminder of what you did to me," Quackity says, a little disconcerted.
"Sure. I've always liked jewellery. That's why I wear this," Wilbur says, and pulls out an emerald necklace he must have been hiding under his godawful stained yellow jumper. Quackity gasps.
"Where the fuck did you get that?"

"Dunno. Got turned, woke up with it, I guess," Wilbur says, shrugging. "Why?"
"Who turned you?" he demands.
"Forgot his name. Some pink haired man, but it was kind of hard to see in the darkness."
"Did you get his name?" Quackity demands further.
"I did, but I forgot," Wilbur says distractedly.
"Was it Technoblade?" Quackity asks.
Wilbur freezes. "How did you know?"
"Oh God, oh God, oh fuck," Quackity says, putting a palm up to his face. "Oh shit."
"What? What is it?" Wilbur asks, confused. "Come on, mate, tell me!"
"Don't call me your fucking mate," Quackity hisses. "Anyway, we've only ever seen three other vampires with the emerald jewellery. An emerald means an automatic invite into the Sleepy Coven, apparently."
"The fuck is a Sleepy Coven?" Wilbur asks annoyedly. "Are you just winding me up now?"
"The Sleepy Coven is made up of The Raccoon, Technoblade and The Crowfather. They're one of the deadliest groups out there," Quackity grudgingly explains.
"I've had this for around three hundred years, dunno if Technoblade will even remember who I am, really," Wilbur laughs, holding his emerald.
"Thank God you aren't joining. We don't want more of a problem," Quackity says. "You already are a huge problem, though."
"Charming, aren't you?"
"Murderous, aren't you?" Quackity sneers back in a mocking tone. "You know, I'm still gonna hurt you for killing my fiancés."
"I know you'll try, but there's no guarantee that you'll succeed- anyway, I might just go and look for this Sleepy Coven thing. Sounds interesting," Wilbur chuckles.
"You'll fucking not," Quackity growls. "I swear to God, asshole, if you ever join them I'll fucking kill you. I'm not joking."
Wilbur laughs. "Go on, then."

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