Making Up

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JENNIVINE LOOKED AT the woman in front of her, as though she was trying the burn the essence of the moment into memory. There was no denying that she'd missed Blair, more than she would admit.
"Jenny, what are you doing here?"
The blonde had decided to visit Blair after her shift. She needed to let go what she'd pent up. After her last conversation with Rosalie, she'd realized that she'd been a fool all along. And her Miss Right was right in front of her all that time, but she wouldn't accept it.
"We haven't spoken..."
"In a while, yes. Is that what you came here to say, or will you get to the point?"
Blair was hurt. She wasn't the type to express a lot or become vulnerable, but Jennivine had been gradually breaking down those walls. Blair knew that she had a fascination for Rosalie, but she also had been falling in love with Jennivine.
Jennivine mumbled and pressed her lips together. What was she supposed to say? How was she supposed to say it?
"Jenny, please, we don't need to drag this out. We're over, I get it. You can try and score Rosalie now. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"
Jennivine felt her eyes welling up. She hated that she'd let her infatuation cross the line. And she hated that Blair held those same feelings-they both had feelings for Rosalie, but not to the extent that they had for each other.
"Blair... I..."
"Are you looking for an apology? Jenny, I really am sorry. Screaming her name was... sickening. I never planned on pursuing her. As hard as it is to believe, I respected that she was engaged. And when I was with you, I respected our relationship. What I did was extremely disrespectful and for that, I'm so..."
Jennivine wrapped her arms around Blair's neck and kissed her. She didn't hold back as her tongue slipped in between Blair's lips and fought for dominance. Her arms pulled Blair closer, and her hands slid down Blair's back and grabbed her ass.
"I've done stupid things as well. I wanted her. I was so hung up on her, and I was hung up on you too. But now, I see that she's not for me... you are. I'm not that into her, and I've been falling for you. Can we let bygones be bygones? And you'll promise to never say her name again?"
Blair smiled widely as she pressed her forehead against Jennivine's. That's what she wanted to hear, even if she didn't know it.
"I've missed you. Be my girlfriend again?"
Jennivine led Blair to the couch to sit down. She needed to explain everything so that Blair had a deeper grasp of what had been holding her back all that time.
"Blair, I think she was a way of sabotaging my relationship with you." Blair quirked a brow. "Yes, I did like Rosalie before I met you. But I was afraid. Afraid of falling in love again. Afraid of being in a relationship. I'd spent years thinking about a future without my wife while I was with her. I was afraid to let her go completely... she was the love of my life. She meant everything to me. But now that she's gone, I know I have to move on, and you are the only person who comes anywhere close to what I had with her. You'll never be able to replace her, but you sure as hell can leave a dent in my heart like she did. You and her are different people, and maybe I got a second chance at true love."
Blair pulled Jennivine into her. She knew that Jennivine was still dealing with Matilda's death, just not the intensity of it.
"True love, huh? Are you gonna get down on one knee now?"
Jennivine shoved Blair in the arm before resting her head against Blair's chest.
"You have to take me on a few more dates, and then we'll see."
Blair grinned. She felt settled for the first time in a while. And thoughts of Rosalie were far from both of their minds. They just wanted to enjoy each other.
"Yes, Jenny?"
Jennivine looked into Blair's eyes and could sense the feeling of love. She'd been in love only once before, but she knew the feeling. They weren't quite there yet, but would be in time to come. A good relationship wasn't as easy as choosing a partner to be with, it had to do with compatibility, similarities and teamwork, but most importantly, a connection. And they certainly had a connection.

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