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Rosalie looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were puffy and red. And there was a noticeable sided hickey on her neck. She had to resort to begging Elizabeth to make love to her, since it was a good distraction. Elizabeth somehow preferred talking than having sex, but when her eyes would land upon Rosalie's tongue sliding out, her resolve would immediately break. That's what Rosalie really enjoyed-tempting Elizabeth.
The next day she'd face the world, and admit that she was indeed Roses. And everyone was going to throw their fireballs if they wanted, and use their sharp tongues. If they couldn't accept her for who she was, then the world didn't deserve her talent to begin with. But Mallory said that it wouldn't be that drastic. Sure, she'd probably lose some fans and buyers, but that was the price to pay so that she could be herself. She'd have Elizabeth on her arm for the entire night, and she'd introduce them as a couple. There was no shame, no hesitance. That's what she wanted to do. That's what she'd done.
Lee was going to shit her pants when it all hit the tabloids-that she'd been dating Elizabeth Harper, the architect.
"Bunny, are you okay?"
Rosalie turned into the arms of the woman she'd become so connected with. How did she end up feeling so much in such little time? She'd never fallen for someone so quickly, so easily. She'd never felt for anyone the way she was feeling for Elizabeth. It was all new. It was all so perfect.
"Yes, I'm perfect." I'm in love you.
"Are you sure?"
Rosalie nodded and kissed Elizabeth on her chest. She'd loved every second that they'd spend together-every moment, every confession, every piece of themselves that they told each other.
When she'd taken Elizabeth to Romario's grave, she cried her eyes out, for the millionth time that week. Rosalie had been so emotional. You'd think that she was the pregnant one in the group.
As for Zoe, she'd confessed to Elizabeth that she indeed harbored feelings for Rosalie, but not for the Rosalie that Elizabeth had fallen in love with, the teenage Rosalie who was Zoe's first love. Elizabeth understood that. First love never died.
"I'm sure, Elizabeth." You're so perfect.
"Not scared?"
Rosalie looked into Elizabeth's eyes, the feeling of love pounding in her heart. Should she say it? Should she confess her undying love? If anything scared her, it was loving again. She had her heart broken so many times, why should she take the risk again?
But Elizabeth had treated her so much differently, with so much compassion. Elizabeth wasn't like everyone else she'd been with. Elizabeth was everything that Rosalie could have asked God for. She was everything that Rosalie needed and wanted. And hopefully, Rosalie could be all of those things for Elizabeth as well.
"Maybe a little. I'm an introvert, as you know. Thinking of being there surrounded by so many people who'll know who I am, it's scary. But it's what I have to do."
Rosalie placed a kiss on Elizabeth's lips, then again, and again. You're so fucking perfect.
"Henry just got off of the phone with Lee. Somehow, he's become the most important person in her life."
Elizabeth wasn't sure of Lee's intentions, but was grateful that she was finally making somewhat of an attempt.
"When are you moving here permanently?"
Rosalie wrapped her arms around Elizabeth's neck and tilted her head backward.
"By the beginning of September. Henry will be at UCLA by then."
Rosalie couldn't believe that Henry was going off to college. She'd seen his graduation photos, and he reminded her so much of Romario. Elizabeth was so proud of him, and Rosalie was too.
"Kids grow up so fast, huh? I can't wait to have one of my own."
Elizabeth sank her teeth into her bottom lip. She'd never considered having another child, but was open to the idea.
"Toddler or adolescent?"
Rosalie pursed her lips. She already considered Henry to be somewhat of her kid. He was like the teenager that she'd never raised.
"I'm not sure. Do you want another kid?"
Elizabeth shrugged. She didn't dislike the idea. She'd always wanted a baby, but could never go through with pregnancy.
"What do you think about adopting a baby? I'm definitely not too old for one."
Rosalie chuckled. She thought it was a great idea.
"I like that you don't want to put a bun in my oven. I'd never recover."
"Same here."
They grinned at each other. Were they really talking about kids when they hadn't even said those three words yet?
"Is everyone ready?"
Elizabeth nodded. They were all going out to dinner. She also had a little surprise for Rosalie, something that might either scare her off, or take their relationship to the next level.
"I'm so..." in love with you, "happy with you."
"I'm so happy with you too."

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