They Really Are Something

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Rosalie and Elizabeth planned to only purchase the buildings that were vacant, excluding the bar. The last thing that they wanted was to put people out of places that they'd rented for years, and it would be a lot less stressful not to. They'd already enrolled Abbi at the only public school in town for when she'd start her first year in elementary school, trying to get all of their affairs in order and planned.
Regardless of moving to that town, it was a good idea for Abbi to be in the country where she was born, even though she was actually born in California and not Vermont.
Elizabeth still had doubts about the town. She questioned the reasons why so many buildings were vacant on one block, and found her answers from the current owner of all-so many people were leaving and migrating to the cities.
As for Kaitlyn, she grew attached to Charlotte, and vice versa. Even though she'd wanted to take a trip to New Zealand after the holidays, after meeting Charlotte, her plans took a major detour. They decided that they'd continue seeing each other, as long as Kaitlyn was able to be in Chicago for a little while, so that their relationship could develop.
Charlotte had no intentions of moving back to Winter Springs, even though she could have if she wanted to. Being around her mother would have driven her insane, and she'd decided long ago that it was best to love her family from a distance.
Elizabeth and Rosalie were left to their own devices since Kaitlyn and Charlotte took Abbi to the park. Lying in bed, and staring at the ceiling, Rosalie thought about seeing her father. He must have aged, for sure. She hadn't even seen a picture of him in ages, so she didn't know what he currently looked like. Sighing, she turned on her side, and looked at her beautiful wife who was lost in thought.
"You think your parents would have liked me?" She asked her wife, curious to know what it would be like to have in-laws, "I think they would like me."
Rosalie smiled and moved closer to Elizabeth. Elizabeth wrapped her arm around Rosalie's torso and placed a kiss on the side of her neck.
"They'd adore you, bunny."
Elizabeth sighed, immensely missing her parents. She had a few relatives here and there, but weren't close to any of them.
"I don't think my dad's going to like you, Beth, so I apologize in advance."
Elizabeth scoffed.
"I don't give a rat's ass what he thinks of me. As long as your mom thinks I'm her favorite daughter, I'm okay."
Rosalie pouted and laced her fingers with Elizabeth's.
"She's supposed to love me more. Why do you steal all the loves?"
Elizabeth giggled. God, I love this woman so much. She couldn't imagine a better woman to be her wife. Second time's the charm, I guess.
"Because I'm adorable."
Rosalie smiled widely, loving every moment of their time alone together.
"Yes, you are. And you're all mine."
Elizabeth caressed Rosalie's ring finger with her thumb, feeling the diamonds one by one.
"I'm all yours."
Rosalie closed her eyes and took in the warmth and unconditional love. There was nothing better than being in her wife's arms and watching the time drift away. It was one of the best feelings in the world.
"How did I get so lucky to have you all to myself? Did I win the lesbian lottery without knowing?" Elizabeth inhaled a breath. She felt as though she was the one to win the lottery, not the other way around, but maybe, they both did, "Elizabeth, I'm not going to see my dad. Not for now, at least," Rosalie looked in Elizabeth's eyes with pain in her heart. She couldn't imagine not being able to boast about her beautiful family to someone who should have loved them as much as she did, "I can't stand the thought of him looking at Abbi with rejection in his eyes. It's best that she thinks that she only has a grandmother."
"So when she starts asking questions, we'll just tell her he's dead?"
Rosalie shook her head.
"We'll tell her the truth-she deserves the truth," Rosalie sighed, "I love him, but I won't allow him to demean the sacredness of my family-the love that we share. Fuck, he's so homophobic, he left Milan without a word, and never contacted us again. What does that say about him?"
"That he's an asshole?"
Rosalie buried her face into the crook of Elizabeth's neck. As upset as she felt, the comfort of her wife's body soothed her.
"He really is. You know he only contacted mom to ask for money? I'm so stupid to even consider seeing him."
"You're not stupid. You just miss him. I think you should see him at least once, by yourself."
Elizabeth had always wished that Rosalie could have a much better relationship with her father. But the man never put in the time or effort-he didn't care.
"You think so?"
Elizabeth nodded and kissed her wife's lips, easing the thumping in her brain.
"Yes, bunny. I don't want you to have any regrets, you know that you should."
Rosalie allowed Elizabeth to intensify the kiss, but only to the point where they were panting for breath, as their bodies stayed untouched by roaming hands.
"Mommy!" Abbi yelled, as she stormed into the room, "ugh, more kissy faces. We have visitors."
Abbi groaned and ran out, causing her mothers to get up and head into the living room. They followed their daughter to see Megan, Lillian and Callie.
"Hey, guys."
Rosalie nudged her wife's shoulder and grabbed a seat on the couch. Abbi rushed Lillian into her bedroom to introduce her to Miss Bear, while the adults were left to chat.
"Kissy faces?"
Megan asked with a chuckle. Rosalie grinned while Elizabeth blushed.
"They're always kissing apparently," Charlotte said, smiling too. She laced her fingers with Kaitlyn and looked into her eyes, "it's actually sweet. They have what we all hope to have as well."
Rosalie shrugged, as Elizabeth slid onto her lap and kissed her cheek.
"She turned me into a cougar, but it's all worth it," Elizabeth grinned, "I never thought I'd be the older one in a relationship."
"Not a relationship," Rosalie scoffed, "we're married and have kids, you better say life partner next time, babe."
Elizabeth giggled and nodded. I love her so much. Rosalie placed a kiss on the back of Elizabeth's palm with a wink.
"They really are something."
Callie commented. She'd never seen so much women loving women in one room, and it was so amazing.
"That'll be us someday," Megan whispered, "I promise, Callie."
Callie felt her heart flutter.
"I promise too."
Kaitlyn observed the two young lovers and inhaled a deep breath. What I'd do to be that youthful again.
Abbi came rushing out of the bedroom and pounced on Elizabeth's lap, making Rosalie yelp, since Elizabeth was sitting on hers.
"Mama, are you still taking my phone away?" She looked at Elizabeth with her best puppy dog eyes. Elizabeth sighed. God, how can I disappoint this little girl, "please, mama? I promise to be good."
"No, just behave yourself. And I'm allowed to go through your phone at least once a week, to see what you're up to." Even though it's an invasion of your privacy.
"Fine," Abbi mumbled and kissed her mother's cheek, "can I show Lillian pictures now?"
"Yes, go ahead."
Abbi jumped off of her mother's lap and Rosalie could finally breathe again.
"She has a phone?" Megan asked and bit down on her bottom lip, "not judging, by the way."
"Rosalie had to give her one. Cons of having a rich wife-she thinks she can spoil us."
Megan quirked a brow. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? She looked at Callie and shrugged.
"When I die, my tombstone will say, beloved wife, mother and sexy sugar baby."
Rosalie giggled and Elizabeth looked at her amused. She sighed and wrapped her arms around Rosalie's neck.
"You really think you'll die first, huh?"
"If you die first, I'll probably die anyway. So it would be a lot less painful if I didn't have to experience that."
Elizabeth kissed her wife's lips softly. Kaitlyn pressed her lips together and leaned against Charlotte's shoulder. She knew that her story was probably just beginning. With a beautiful woman by her side, there were a lot more adventures that she needed to take, and maybe one day, Charlotte would finally receive the acceptance that she'd longed for from her mother.
Winter Springs didn't seem like a bad place to call home. Even with the few homophobes living there, it summed up to any normal place to live in, because no matter what, not everyone would approve of them. But that didn't matter, as long as they were with the ones who they loved.

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