I don't know what to call this chapter

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                       I am so sorry if this chapter is lack-luster, I'm running out of ideas;-;

Scaramouche has been awake for quite some time now, but he needs as much information as possible.

"Kunikuzushi, I can tell you are awake."

Well, so much for that idea. Scaramouche slowly sat up and soaked in his surroundings. The sky was red and black, and it seemed stormy. It was a floating rock they were on, large broken pillars surrounding the area. It was the Plane of Euthymia. The last time he was here, it didn't look so wrecked.

"I haven't seen you in quite a while Kunikuzushi. You seem to be doing... well.."

Ei looked at Scaramouche with an unreadable expression then walked over to him. She, without hesitation or struggle; lifted him. Scaramouche tensed and prepared for something, anything. He was not graced with anything at all. Ei held him over her head, turned him around, etcetera. She was inspecting him.

Once Scaramouche realized this, he relaxed a little bit but was still tense. There was no point in struggling, he couldn't overpower her in physical or elemental strength. He just had to be ready for whatever came next.

"You seem to be in good condition, other than this leg"

Ei flicked the healing leg. Scaramouche winced, closing his eyes for a second to embrace the small sting.

Why didn't you come to me Kunikuzushi? You know I can easily fix this."

Scaramouche looked away, words non-existent in his mind. The only thing he could think about right now was how to get out of here. She was the last person he wanted to see.

"Well, time to get to work. I have no idea who did this, but they have no idea what or who you are."

Scaramouche looked at her with surprise; 'Work'? What is she going to do? Once Scaramouche realized his stupidity, he tensed and struggled to get out of her arms. Ei was not prepared for this rebellion, so he was able to squirm out of her arms quite easily. He dropped to the ground and scooched backwards, preparing whatever weapon he had.

Ei sighed, and started towards him. She seemed confident enough in her skill that she didn't even take out her weapon.

"I am not going to fight you Kuni, I just wanted to ..fix... Your leg."

Scaramouche being as stubborn as he is, continued to back away from the woman, flinching whenever she got closer than he was comfortable with. Ei eventually stopped, which seemed quite out of character.

"Fine, you can go. Shogun?"

The Shogun walked over to him and picked him up. This time she didn't knock him out, which Scaramouche was quite grateful for, as he finally could observe the exit. Turns out, there is no exit. The whole trip out, his brain seemingly stopping halfway through. After what seemed like an eternity stuck in his mind, the Shogun tapped him on the shoulder and laid him down. He laid down for a minute, fully conscious, but after a bit while, Scaramouche passed out.

"Hey Scara, wake up."

"Oh, it's Scara? Okay then. Scara wake up!!"

Scaramouche slowly opened his eyes to find Kazuha and some unknown.. (Dog?)... Standing above him.

"Who.. the.. hell.. Are you?"

The dog boy extended his arm and grabbed Scaramouches arm, pulling him up.

||KazuScara|| I'm bad at titles help (!!DISCONTINUED!!)Where stories live. Discover now