This chapter barely has any words i'm so sorry ;-;

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"Do you think Beidou's ship is ready yet? It wasn't that badly damaged. I heard they just abandoned it and it didn't sink."

Kazuha nodded slowly before looking around to find Beidou. Surprisingly she was not there. Maybe she went back to Liyue? Kazuha heard a yelp behind him and he whipped his head around to find out what caused the noise. Scaramouche was pulled into a bear hug by a tall woman.

"Archons! Let me go!"

Scara was flailing his limbs until Kazuha patted his knee pointed at the woman. It was Beidou.

"How convenient. Hello Beidou, is your ship prepared yet?"

Beidou dropped Scaramouche and ruffled Kazuha's hair before answering.

"Nearly, They fixed it in Liyue, so know I'm relying on my crew to bring it to Inazuma safely. There are no storms coming are there Kazuha?"

Kazuha raised his head towards the clear sky and took a deep breath before looking back toward Beidou.

"None that I hear so far."

Scaramouche looked at both with confusion. Storms? Why did Kazuha know this just by breathing? How fancy can he get?

"Scaramouche, wait here for a second. I'm pretty sure I see the ship coming so Beidou and I are going to help the ship dock."

Scaramouche nodded and crossed his arms. He had time to think. Finally. He had seen this man somewhere hadn't he? But where.. It then hit him.


There was suddenly a piercing ringing in his ears and a horrendous pain in the back of his head. He lost consciousness and crumpled to the ground.


Scaramouche sat up slowly with a wretched headache, causing brief blindness. He squinted, rubbing his eyes. What in the archons happened? He was still on the ground, he could feel it under his articulated fingers. He had no idea he could get headaches.

He is a puppet after all. His heart was taken from him. Let's re-word that. He wasn't given the heart he was promised. He can't feel. He shouldn't be able to feel. So what in Tevyat is going on with him?

Scaramouche raised his hand and slapped himself across the face. He didn't feel anything. He went to do it again but was stopped. His eyes focused and he could see again. It was Kazuha.

"Scara..? What are you doing? You collapsed suddenly so I rushed over. Don't worry, you weren't out for long."

Scaramouche grabbed Kazuha's hand and held it against his cheek. His hand was unusually warm. Tartaglia's hand is cold most of the time. So why is Kazuha's so... comforting? He then lifted Kazuha's hand a few inches from his face and brought it down on his face really hard. Kazuha stopped him before it made contact. Scaramouche felt Kazuha's hands rest on his shoulders. His hands gripped harder until Kazuha started shaking him.

"Seriously Scara! What in Tevyat are you doing? Why did you just try to slap yourself?"

Scaramouche slapped Kazuhas hands away from his shoulders and pushed himself to his feet. His head spun immediately forcing Scaramouche to stop in his tracks and regain his balance. Kazuha followed him, putting a hand on his back to help him walk towards the ship. Once they were settled underneath the center mass, Kazuha pulled Scaramouche onto his shoulder to rest. Scaramouche leaned his head against Kazuha a drifted asleep to the sound of the samurai softly breathing and the sound of rolling waves against the ships walls.

He woke up in a different place. He was still in Beidous ship, but it was somewhere else in her ship. His eyes were acting up again, so everything was a blinding white. The one thing that stood out in the piercing white was the smell. I guess since he isnt human, he has heightened senses. He could smell salt, so the ship was still moving. There was a slight smell of something thats obviously meant to be strong. It smelt a bit like... rust. Iron too.

He blinked a few times, and popped his ears too until he could hear and see. He looked up and saw a bright purple sky. He got up quickly and immediately fell over something large. He pushed himself back to his feet and looked at what he tripped over. It was Kazuha. Scaramouche knelt next to him quickly and grabbed his wrists, checking for a pulse. Once he picked up Kazuhas arm, a scarlet substance pooled out from under him. Scaramouche dropped Kazuhas arm, and and slapped a hand over his mouth. Scara hesitantly flipped over Kazuhas body to find an electro-infused arrow sticking out of his back. He examined the wound, and was relieved to find that it wasn't that large. Kazuha was losing quite a bit of blood however.

||KazuScara|| I'm bad at titles help (!!DISCONTINUED!!)Where stories live. Discover now