HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YUNJIN!!! <3333 (Oh yeah, Thanks Kazuha)

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Kazuha grabbed Scaramouches hand and dragged him to a wall on the opposite side of the sniper. 

He noticed Scaramouche tensing his hand so he glanced towards the man's face and made direct eye contact with him. Scaramouche furrowed his brows and blinked slowly. 

Kazuha slowly let go of the harbinger's hand putting the previously used hand against his lips, making a quiet shush noise. Scaramouche glared, but eventually nodded and peered around the corner. 

An electro-infused arrow flew across, ripping the flesh off the bridge of Scaramouche's nose. Kazuha put a hand over his mouth and outstretched his other arm to check on the half-fallen man. 

Scaramouche put a hand over his nose and pushed Kazuha's arm back, preventing him from examining the wound. 

Kazuha went back a second time, grabbing Scaramouche's head and turning it towards him. 

He moved in closer, examining the wound ignoring the fact that there was a metallic glowing purple liquid oozing from the gash. 

Sure, he questioned it in his mind, but now was not the time to pry. 

He ripped a clean bandage off his right arm and applied pressure. Kazuha shifted his other arm to the back of Scaramouche's head and pushed it into the bandage. 

The wound wasn't life-threatening, but he didn't know whether Scaramouche had electro resistance or could even get infected since the purple blood was a blatant giveaway to the fact Scaramouche wasn't human. 

Kazuha let go of the harbinger's head, letting the ripped bandage fall into the previously used hand. Scaramouche backed away and quickly pushed himself up with the support of the wall, peering around the corner again; more careful this time. 

No arrow flew past, so Scara took it as a sign to get the fuck outta there. He threw his hand back and grabbed hold of Kazuha's, dragging him across the boat to an emergency raft attached to the side. Kazuha got to work untying it while Scaramouche stood to watch for any sort of spy. Once Kazuha got it untied, he tugged at Scaramouches hand and climbed in himself. 

Moments later, he felt weight on the other side of the boat, which slowly rocked it. He looked back and Scaramouche nodded in his direction. Kazuha slowly stood up and switched sides with Scara, putting him in the front. 

Scaramouche seemed as if he was about to say something but kept it to himself after Kazuha sat down facing backwards. Kazuha turned his head back and nodded, the same way Scaramouche did moments earlier. Scaramouche tilted his head in confusion but did no more. He sat down himself facing the front; crossing his arms and legs. 

Kazuha took a deep breath in before stretching his arms out, hands interlocked bending backwards. He put his hands in the water, starting the boat on its journey to anywhere land. 

He held his vision with one hand, and outstretched the other, feeling the anemo power rush to the outstretched hand so he pointed it downward at an angle and began moving the boat with his vision. 

"Sorry, this took a while to set up. I've never used my vision this way before." 

Kazuha sighed and tilted his head back, not quite relaxing as his anemo was still being drained to push the boat. Scaramouche shifted behind him, and then he heard water rushing. 

He quickly looked behind him to find Scara's hands over the boat, working as somewhat of a useless paddle. It was probably to relax his hands, the water was quite nice today.

"That's nice of you and all, however, what will we do when we find land? I'm pretty sure the Raiden Shogun's forces are after me. Don't ask why, I can't narrow it down myself."

Scaramouche sneered, lifting his hands from the water. Scaramouche tapped the side of the boat gently, rhythmically. It was the most relaxing thing that came from Scara since the day they met. 

After what seemed like hours of just; "tap.. tap.. tap.. tap..." they finally found land. Large land too. Kazuha let out one more burst of anemo, sending the boat gliding towards the shoreline where they both leaped out simultaneously. 

Kazuha collapsed onto the light sand and was slowly lulled to sleep to the sound of sand. He felt a hand placed on top of his head but was so exhausted he couldn't say a thing. 

The hand ran through his messy white hair; combing it out, pushing him into a deep, deep sleep he didn't realize he needed. He felt a cold object being placed underneath his hand, and soft sandy footprints fading away. 

He couldn't get up to chase after the retreating man. 

He was gone in a matter of seconds.

Authors note!! - I'm so sorry, it's been so long since I've updated!! I've had zero motivation whatsoever ;-;

I know its short, and rushed, I just didn't know what to do in this chapter..

Writing block amiright? 

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