☆When you're being bullied☆

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requested by suki_the_cute_one


+ You would think all hope is lost

+ Huddled in a corner while a group of kids teases you

+Then you see a familiar huge red panda stomping her way towards the bullies

+ You knew exactly who that beast was

+ Before the bullies could look up, she'd unleash a mighty roar

+ Once they run off in fear, She'd sweep you up from the group and hug you tight into her fur

+ Before turning back into her human self, she'll the two of you to the bathroom to cool off

+ "How can a group of kids take on a giant red panda, (Y/N)? They can't! Don't be afraid to call me when they're around you. I'm always here."


+ She's had her own share of bullies when she was younger

+ And seeing you go through what she did is unacceptable

+ She would chase them away with her skateboard


+ Then she'll sprint right back to you

+ "Hey, you okay? They didn't touch you, right?"

+ She'll insist on carrying you home, even when school isn't over.

+ "You need rest, not algebra homework.."


+ She isn't the confrontational type

+ But she is thick-skinned and doesn't let measly insults get to her

+ When she sees you crying in the corner while bullies mock you, she'll stand in between you and them

+ They throw insults at her, but she'll stand there unfazed

+ Not even a witty remark, just an apathetic look on her face

+ They eventually get tired and walk away

+ "(Y/N), the moment you realize those guys are nothing but pathetic scums who do nothing but belittle people, they aren't as scary as they make themselves out to be."

+ She would be sure to make you two sit somewhere hidden during lunch to avoid them


+ Abby is already a time bomb when she's ticked off

+ But when she sees you being bullied

+ It's a miracle she doesn't kill them

+ She'll lunge at them and beat the shit out of them

+ Due to her height and figure, it's not enough to cause bruises or anything serious


+ She's been called to the principal's office multiple times

+ Most of the time it's just a warning

+ But she got suspended here and there

+ She always makes sure she won't drag you into her mess afterward

+ "Honestly, I would rather be expelled if it means you wouldn't be bullied anymore (Y/N)."


+ Well he's been a bully before

+ And he's still struggling to really grow away from it

+ So he bullies bullies

+ When he sees a group of kids harassing you,

+ "Are you lowlives finished? God, y'all are pathetic.."

+ He'll push them out the way, grab your hand, and run away to the courtyard

+ "(Y/N) I don't want you to ever believe what those kids say. Most of the time it's not even true, it's just for their own amusement."

Edit (3/25/22): changed Abby calling the bully a monkey to bozo since I realized it sounded a bit racially insensitive. Apologies about that!

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