☆They start liking you☆

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 ☃requested by iluvmydinonuggets


+ She assumed you were just like all the other kids who would cringe at her antics

+ She liked how you were exactly like her, just a lot more shy and self-conscious

+ It was a shame she couldn't meet you earlier

+ But it's better late than never

+ She's already prone to crushes

+ And it was your smile, your hair, your eyes, nose, that one scrap that you got recently that's still healing

+ And don't get her started whenever she turns into a red panda you just go insane every time

+ Playing with her ears and tail and paws

+ It's way too much for her and it's far beyond what she had with Devon

+ Miriam would sneak up to her, saying, "You have a crush on (Y/N), don't cha?"

+ "No I don't! I'm so over crushes!"


+ She had known you before

+ You two were good friends way before 8th grade

+ She had a very tiny crush on you before that she was unsure if it was just typical affection or something more

+ It wasn't until you two met again that those feelings flourished again, this time much greater than before

+ Like when she brought McDonald's for lunch to school and gave you a few fries

+ How you thanked her with a kind smile before nibbling on them, savoring the flavor

+ She could've died right there from cuteness

+ When you're gone, she would go on tangents about you

+ Priya was the most interested in her complicated feelings

+ "It sounds like you have a crush on her, Miriam."

+ "I wouldn't say crush. Kinda like a little more affection towards the little things she does."

+ "Like eating fries?"

+ "She ate it as if she was a bunny, Priya. It was so cute..."


+ She didn't even notice you at first

+ She did see you in the hallways, head buried in a book

+ She knew you were quiet but a very intentive listener

+ She liked how she can just talk about how the book she was reading was riddled with dumb characters making dumb decisions and plot holes that seem to appear every page and you will listen to everything

+ She felt heard and understood

+ Abby predicted Priya's crush on you

+ Like, two book dorks who "just talk about books, nothing personal?" That's BS.

+ "I don't know anything about her Abby. It's stupid of me to fall head over heels over her when I can barely remember her name."

+ "Girl, I want to marry a man if he looks hot! It's not like she'll turn into a werewolf and eat you or anything."


+ She already liked you for you being close with Devon

+ But then she starts thinking about just you

+ You were different from her usual crushes because she actually knew who you were and what you liked

+ And that's coming from you and not some cheesy magazine

+ She loved how you did her nails and braided her hair.

+ Every day before class, she'll rush over and beg you to braid it 

+ Tyler finds it funny

+"Do you really like (Y/N)? I mean, she's cute and all, but damn..."

+ "Tyler, I swear if you say one more thing about me and (Y/N) I WILL START GETTING PHYSICAL! But I also don't want to ruin the nails she did for me..."


+ He knew Mei's friends didn't like him, that's entirely his fault

+ He did note that you were always looking at him

+ Not with a spiteful look on your face, but a curious one

+ You were the most forgiving about him out of your friends, so bonding with you was easy

+ He liked how you didn't care about him liking a boy band or and understood his choice of separating himself from his past

+ Developing feelings for you was what came with that appreciation

+ Mei finds it so ironic

+ "Funny you made fun of me for liking Devon and yet here you are simping for my friend.."

+ "I don't like her! She's just our friend."

+ "My friend. Your crush."

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