Chapter Eight

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Embry's POV

I still can't believe that I had told Maddy that I loved her. I was happy I did so but I ended up on bed rest. I can't belive that she is back though. I want her to be with me instead of Jacob. She still attacked me because I said some mean things about Jake. I made a problem between Jake, Maddy, and I. I am one stupid werewolf. I hope to god that she comes to her senses about Jacob though.

"Carlisle can I please get off of this bed?" I asked Dr. Fang.

"No you need to rest to heal properly." He said.

"But I hate staying still and resting." I begged.

"Well then you shouldn't have gotten in a fight." He said.

"But-" I started but got cut off.

"No buts Embry. You need the rest so just deal with it." He said.

"Fine." I said.

"Good. Now I will be back tomorrow to check how the healing is." He said walking to the door.

"Okay. Thanks Carlisle." I said.

"Rest up and I will see you tomorrow." He said leaving.

I was getting just a little tired so I took a nap. I realized that I was completly out cold. It helps with the pain I am facing. I seriously hope Maddy realises that Jake is bad news for her.

Jacob's POV

I woke up to see Maddy still sleeping. I kissed her forhead quickly and got out of bed and went to my shirt. I put it on and went downstairs to see Emily in the kitchen. I walked up to her and scared her a bit.

"Jake. You scared me." She said holding her heart.

"Sorry. I was wondering if I could help. I want to make Maddy breakfast in bed." I said.

"Of course. There is the pancake mix in the cabinet. You can make her some pancakes and eggs." She said.

I got started and made some breakfast with Em. She was happy that I was doing this for Madison after her trip. After I was done I put it on a tray and brought it up to her room. She was still sleeping so I put it on her floor by her bed. I sat down on her bed next to her. I shook her a little.

"I don't want to go to school." She said in her sleep.

"Babe. It is a Saturday. I made you breakfast." I said in her ear. She shot out of bed and looked at me through tired eyes.

"Really?" She yawned.

"Of course. I would always do that." I said kissing her quickly.

"Aww thanks boo." She said with a new nickname.

"New nickname I see." I said.

"Yeah. Since you gave me a nickname I gave you one." She said. I got her breakfast and handed it to her.

"Em and I made it together." I said giving Emily some credit.

"Cool. Thanks. Can you get me my bathing suit in my top drawer? It is the black bikini." She said.

"Yeah." I said going to get it. "Are we going to the beach today?" I asked.

"Yep. Just us two. I haven't hung out with you in a while." She said.

"Okay. I will go to my house to get in my bathing suit. I will be right back." I said kissing her for a little.

"Okay." She said kissing me for a little.

"Babe. I will be right back." I said.

"Fine. I will see you later. By the way, good breakfast." She said eating it all.

"Thanks. Bye." I said kissing the top of her head.

"Bye." She said.

I left and went to my hosue quickly. I am estatic that she is back. I just hope I don't mess this up any time soon. I haven't seen Bella in a few monthis since Maddy has been back. I have been trying to spend most of my time with her. I am happy that I had imprinted on her. I thought that I should call Bella. I called and it rang for a little.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey Bells. It is Jake." I said.

"Oh hey Jake. How has Maddy been?" She asked.

"Okay. She is doing great. How are you and Edward?" I asked.

"I am not talking to him from what I had heard." She said.

"Well I can understand why. He did say that he still loved my Madison." I said shaking a bit.

"Your Madison?" She asked.

"Yeah. I forgot to tell you that Maddy is Sam's younger sister and she is a werewolf." I said calming thing about Maddy.

"Wow. So Edward loves a werewolf. How original." She said.

"Yeah. Well I better go Maddy and I are going to the beach today." I said.

"Okay. Talk to you later Jake." She said.

"Will do." I said hanging up.

I got on my trunks and got in my car. I was going to drive her over myself. I just liked it when she was with me. I loved it actually. I pulled in and was nervous to see her like this. It was quite nerve racking to see her in the bathing suit. I walked in and saw her. My mouth fell open to the sight. I was to nervous to say anything that might be gross to Sam and the rest of the peole in the house.

"How do I look?" She asked.



Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter. It was my favorite so far to write. Fan, Coment, and Vote please.

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