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Bakugou's POV

Once I leave my carriage I obviously ignore Deku and go straight to were one of the servants is leading my family and the other 3 (maybe) families.

We are lead to the throne room.

It is massive, but not as big as mine.

At the end of the room there's a platform that has 7 thrones on it, one of them is empty.

The first one is in the centre is golden and fire shaped. In it there's the king Enji seated at. King Enji, also called Endeavor in other kingdoms and empires, because they say it takes a lot of effort to deal with him. He looks like a 40-year-old man that's just tired of life. His red hair looks like it never was washed and he has a very ugly moustache, beard and scar that covers left eye. His blue eyes look like they could pierce your soul.

At it's right there's a iceberg shaped silver throne that's empty and at it's right there's a bronze throne that's starting to oxidize and share shape with the middle throne. In that last throne there's a tween seated. He looks like a carbon copy of the king, so I'm assuming he is the heir to the throne, Touya. There's only a slight difference between Touya and Endeavor and that's not only their build (Touya looks like he hasn't eaten in days) but the fact that Touya hair is slightly white at some points. Dad told me that you're hair can turn white prematurely from stress, so it must be from that.

A bit further back there's the other three thrones. One left and two right.

The one in the left looks to be made out of metal and it's also iceberg shaped. There's a kid, I would say that he's 7 or 8 years old, seated on it. That must be the third of the kings kids, Natsuo. He has white hair and grey eyes. He has a less slimmer build than he's brother, but he isn't really big.

On the right there's two thrones, one that's exactly like Natsuo's one and the other that looks to be a mix of Natsuo's and Touya's.

On the first one there's a girl seated. She is Fuyumi, the second kid of the king. She's exactly how I imagine Natsuo would be if he were to be a girl, except for some red accents on her hair.

On the second throne a small boy is seated. He looks to be my age. He's kind of pretty. His eyes are different colour, one blue and one grey, and his hair is half red and half white. His hair falls perfectly so half of his face is covered, but I can slightly see his eye and part of what seams to be a scar.

I wonder what his hair would look tied up like deku ties his hair up when we're training.

I bow when the kings starts paying attention at us.

"Good morning families" The king starts. I respect him, but I can sense I don't like him "I'm glad you are here today. As you may know, I have call all of you here today so one of your descendants socialises with one of mine. So please, could Shigaraki from the Midoriya family, come here"

Cousin Tomura then steps up to the front. It's obvious he is not biologically part of Deku's family. Deku and auntie Inko look really similar, both have green hair and green eyes, but the only thing Deku shares with his dad is their hair texture, 'cause uncle Hisashi has white hair and red eyes. Cousin Tomura has light blue hair and red eyes, but I heard that before I was born he had black hair and grey eyes, but it changed because of the illness that killed his family.

"Touya, you can take Shigaraki with you now" Endeavor says. The tween I suspected to be Touya gets up with an unamused expression and walked over to Tomura.

They shook hands and Touya said something to Tomura and then they exited the room.

This repeated with the other two kids and the princess and older prince.

"Prince Bakugou, please step forward" I do as the king says. I don't like him, I don't know why.

The little kid, Shouto, steps forward and I bow, then he leads me out of the room and to the garden.

It was pretty, full of flowers.

We sit on a bench and stay in a uncomfortable silence.

Todoroki POV

Katsuki's pretty.

I don't know how his blond hair stays that way, it's like a hedgehog.

He also has red eyes. They sparkly in this light.

I want to be his friend.

He smells like vanilla.

"You smell like vanilla" I tell him breaking the silence that had been between us.

"I DO NOT!" He yells back at me

"Yes you do"

"Well you smell like onions"

"That's cause I had food prepared with onions for breakfast"


"And why would you insult me saying something that's true?"

He shuts up.

"Do you want to be my friend?" I ask him.

"No" He responds.


"'Cause I don't like you!"

"I don't like my dad"

"I don't like your dad either"


"'Cause he seams bad"

"He is bad. Why don't you like me?"

"'Cause you are boring"

"I'm not boring"

"Yes you are"

"Then you are too"

He shuts up again.

So I decide to start speaking again.

"What do you like to do?"

"Explode stuff and I like fighting. And I'm the best!" He says with a lot of confidence.

"Ow, I like to read and burn stuff, but mom told me I was good at fighting..." Mom also said she would be with me until Touya is the king and a lot more years after that.

"Fight me!" He sounds exited, so why not.

"Ok, if I win, you have to be my friend" He looks like he would do it.

"And if I win you have to do whatever I say until I go home" He gets up and lends me his hand to take.

I take his hand. It's warm, I like it.

"Deal" I smile a bit. Even if we are not friends, at least I can be today with him.

Bakugou's POV

I leaned him my hand and he takes it and smiles.

His hand is cold but is really soft. He doesn't use his hands a lot.

His smile is cute, but that doesn't matter 'cause I'm gonna crush him and win the fight and his gonna have to do whatever I want.

For the rest of the day.

And I'm Katsuki, future king of the Bakugou kingdom.

I always win.

This is gonna be fun.

Isn't it strange?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon