Can't I just be happy for once?

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Use of homophobic language. ⚠️ If this triggers you, please don't read.

Bakugo POV's

Why is Deku better than me in everything?

That has been my motivation all my life. Being the best.

Being better than my cousin.

Since the day we were born, he's always been good without trying to be good, so I've always had to be better.

Try harder.

Win against Deku.

He's not the heir to the throne since that place is Tomura's, but that just means he never has had to learn how to be a king.

That means he learned how to fight faster, sooner and has had more time to perfectionate everything he did wrongly.

Even if he was paralytic for around 4 or 5 years of his childhood.

Even when he lost a his right arm.

Even when he was at his worst.

He always won.

But there's something I know I can win and I won't stop trying to win until I do.

Win Shouto from the Todoroki empire.

Win his heart.

Deku knows this. I know he does.

As do the so called 'Bakusquad'

They say that I'm to obvious, but I don't think I am.

They also say that Shouto is too oblivious not to notice.

It breaks my heart that Endeavor banned any people that love their same gender. He's stupid and an asshole that doesn't care for his kids. The old hag may be an asshole, but she at least cares about me.

Endeavor kills anyone that breaks this law.

That also means his own kids.

He has already done it.

I'm at Touya's funeral. A secret one that's being held in my kingdom because Endeavor didn't want to burry him.

I can still hear his words from outside the room while Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shouto tried to get him to let them bury him in their family graveyard.


That moment was the one that I stopped listening to him and I started listening to his kids.

I could hear Natsuo shouting at him.

I could hear Fuyumi silently crying.

I could hear Touya's silent. He had already accepted his fate. I think he did the moment he started having crushes on boys.

I could hear Shouto sniffs. He was crying, I don't know why but he was.

The moment I recognized that Shouto was almost crying or already crying I didn't even think of it twice.

I barged into the room and I started shouting at Endeavor.

Before the adult could do something, Natsuo slapped his face and I took Shouto with me.

I was thankful it was Natsuo and not me, because I was so close to. And if I had done it I possibly couldn't have had the ability to see Shouto anymore.

He stayed with me, in my kingdom, until the day his brother was killed. I was a secret execution, so I couldn't see it, neither did any of the three siblings.

But in the night I took the ashes that were left and I put it in a vase.

Now we're burying the vase with the ashes.

Shouto is quietly crying. He told me that Touya ask them not to cry about his death, 'cause if they cry, it means is a bad thing, but it isn't if he can get a better life after this one.

His holding onto me as if it was the end of the world. It must fell that way for him.

"Thank you" he whispers in my ear. "Thank you for letting us bury him with your family"

I just tell him that's nothing to thank, but in reality I don't want to say that.

In reality I want to tell him that he is family for me. That his family is also mine like mine is for him. But I don't. It's not the time.

Midoriya's POV

I'm at the funeral 'cause Shouto's my friend and because Tomura asked me to came with him to his friend's funeral.

But I just see Shouto hugging Kacchan.

I knew that Kacchan would never like me, I knew he liked Shouto, but is still heart breaking.

I want my friends to be happy.

I want to get over my crush on Kacchan.

I'm dating Hanta after all, not that anyone has to know about it.

I like Hanta, but I also like Kacchan.

I want to get over my crush on him so I can be happy.

So Hanta can be happy.

So Kacchan can be happy.

But it's just hard.

Can't I just be happy for once?

He needed more than me,
I'm friendly and thoughtful and quite awfully pretty,
But he needed more than me.

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