childood friend

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Bakugou's POV

"HELL YEAH!!! I WIN!!!" I shout ones he's outside the zone we said we we're going to fight on.

"Yeah, you win, so what do you want me to do?" Oh, that's right, the deal, I totally forgot about it.

"I want you to be MY friend! That means fighting against me when ever I say so!" I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy fighting against icyhot.

"That means that as friends you'll also help me piss of my father?" He asks with monotone voice. Does he have a monotone voice all the time? That'll be annoying.

"I guess it does"

"Then we are friends"

We sit back on the bench. I really want to ask him about the scar around his eye, but I don't know how to do so.

"Is something wrong Katsuki?" He says. Did I really zone out?

"You have a scar" I say.

"I know I have it"

"But why"

"I burned my face with boiling water"

"How did that happen?"

"My mom was preparing tea"

"Did it hurt?"

"Yeah. Do you have any scars?"

"I have some, but that's 'cause I do dangerous things" I say, trying to look cooler than I am.

"Like what?"

"I already told you I like exploiting things, but I'm already training with swords and arrow and bows and how to ride a horse"

Icyhot does an impressed sound and looks like he's enjoying speaking to me.

"Untie Inko also says that if I keep doing things like those with Deku we'll give her a heart attack" I continue with my story.

"Who is Deku?"

"He is my cousin. He is kind of annoying, but he is nice. Don't tell anyone I told you that though"

"Ok. I wish I had cousins"

"But you already have 3 siblings, why do you want to have more family?"

"Because if I had cousins I could go live with them and not father"

"You don't like him, got it. Anymore people you don't like?"

"I like you"

Before I can ask the question again I'm called so I can go home. But I don't want to.

Oh well, I guess I'll see him other day.

*** 10 years in the future ***

Todoroki POV's

I like you.

Why does that memory hurt so much!

Each time I remember it it's like, I don't know, it just stings.

I know I like him. He probably doesn't, but it's not like we could get married or anything. I think in his kingdom we could, but father would kill me if he found out.

And I know I didn't mean it that way, but it's probably the closest to a love confession I will ever get to.

Gosh, Tsuki, why do you do this to me.

For me you're everything.

For you, I'm just a childhood friend.

From strangers to friends

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