Chapter 3

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Lila's POV
I stepped up to him so I was about five metres away and gave him an elegant, graceful bow. He bowed back. There was a gasp. I smiled at him. I reached out my hand and walked a little way in, the last remaining steps were the those of trust, where the creature had to come to you and he did.

"Oh 'agrid! He's veautiful!"

"Thank you. I'm presuming that where ever you came from had Hippogriff's?"

"Oh, yes. Veauxbaton hav' many. Zhey veren't grey zhough, zhey vere a disgusting brown. I also used to vide Pegasus' zhere. I know how to introduce myselv."

"I see. Would you like to teach someone?"

My eyes immediately met to Harry's. His shoulders slumped and he gave me that 'Oh-My-God-You-Are-Not-Serious' look. I gestured for him to come over giving him a sweet, innocent, sister like smile. He put his head back, gave a groan, but came in the end. I met him at five metres.

"Okay, sô gîve him a vow. I'll do it vith you. Vait." I warned, as Harry tried to stand back up. "You hav' to vait until he vows vack, to zand up." I looked over at Buckbeak and as he bowed back. "Zand and valk zhree metres. Slowly. Now reach out your hánd." He hesitantly reached it out, but it was bent into his body. "Truz me. You hav' to let him' make it vook nice, zhis confirms zhat he truz you." He looked at me and sighed. He reached out his whole arm and Buckbeak slowly and carefully made his way over.

Once Harry had pat him Hagrid said. "Right you two can right him now."

"What!" Harry spun around. He looked at my smiling face.

"Lez do zhis!"

Hagrid lifted me up on first and sat Harry on behind me.

"Now mind his feathers because he won't forgive you for that." With that Hagrid slapped Buckbeak's behind and we were running.

Running straight for a brick wall. I felt Harry tense, but also felt Buckbeak tense as he readied himself to lift off the ground. And then we were in the air. I immediately let go and let the wind hit me full in the chest. My arms were out like the statue of Jesus, in Rio de Janiro. We flew up and over the forest, over the castle and out towards the lake. Buckbeak came down low over the water, his talons grazing the surface. Harry's courage spiked up and he let go with me.

Harry screamed out. "Woohoo. Woooohoooo. Woooooohooooo."

Buckbeak lifted back up and his arms immediately came back down around my waist. I don't see why. Because if I came off he was going to come off too. The scenery was amazing. We heard the whistle from Hagrid and Buckbeak landed again.

"Well done Lila and Harry! Well done! And of course, well done Buckbeak!" Hagrid lifted us off and said quietly. "So how am I doing my first day?"

We both answered. "Brilliant, Professor." Hagrid blushed. Of course mine was, 'Vrilliant Provessor.' I still hadn't managed to get rid of the accent very well. But I liked it. It suited me, it was part of who I was.

Malfoy came strutting our of the group into Buckbeak's sight, way too close. "Your not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly chicken!"

"Don't do that Malfoy!" Hagrid yelled.

But it was Buckbeak I was worried about. "No!" Too late.

Buckbeak rarer and slashed out with his. He went down, so did Draco. He was clutching his shoulder and there was a smear of blood on his white shirt. Hagrid rushed over to Malfoy. I attended to Buckbeak.

"Vhoa, Vuckveak! Vhoa! Vhoa! Vuckveak!" I said in a stern voice. He calmed down and I, to prove our friendship bond placed a hand on the side of his face. He relaxed completely and Harry came over to the other side.

I looked back and Hagrid was already over the wall and into the forest carrying the whimpering Malfoy. The class gathered their books and started to follow. We said goodbye and ran after the class.

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