The Birth

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A man and a woman ran down the streets as fast as they could as lasers shot past them. They duck behind a wall before hearing a lightsaber activate, and they looked at eachother as they knew this was their only hope.

They hear the blade being swung around wildly, hearing an awful twinging noise each time.

The woman gasps and holds her round stomach, making the man's eyes widen.

"Hurry! Inside!" He said.

She did her best to walk in, but her knees gave out. Before she hit the ground though, the man caught her by using his body as a cushion. He slowly got up, helping her with him. She caught a glimpse at his chest though, and noticed a blaster wound.

She opens her mouth to speak, pushing through the pain.


"Yes." He stated.

He immediately coughed, no longer needing to hold it back.

Together they made their way to the building they were hiding behind, still hearing the lightsaber.

The man holds the door open, while the woman walks through it.

A sharp pain hits him, causing the wind to get knocked out of him, and his hand shoots to his wound. He bends over and catches his breath. He looks around to make sure nobody can see them, and a small ship crashes into a nearby building, making him stumble onto his back which closes the door infront of him.

He hopes nobody saw him, and slowly gets to his feet and walks to the woman.

She's laying down, and starting to breathe more heavily, with the occasional whimper of pain.

She suddenly screams, scaring the man. He starts running over to her, then drops to his knees and sliding the last few feet over.

He takes off his shirt and folds it up, placing it under her head.

She gets a good look at his wound, and notices a few more spread around his body.

He gets up and looks around for anything he can use, dreading what's coming next.

He finds a peice of cloth on the floor and slings it over his shoulder. He starts walking back towards her, scanning the room for any sort of medical tools, but unsurprisingly finds nothing. He stops for a moment to look out a window, seeing a man weilding a blue glowing blade, dressed in robes. He has Orange skin, and what looks to be massive ears.

He retracts the blade into its hilt, and turns to face the building they were in. He has a mask covering his mouth, and something covering his eyes.

After a moment it clicks in the man's head that he's looking at a Kel Dor.

He peels himself from the window and runs over to the woman, who is now screaming regularly.

The man tosses the cloth over the woman and begins to take her pants off.

He stops for a moment when he hears the lightsaber ignite right outside the door, followed by more blaster fire.

"It's now or never!" The man shouts.

"I can't just . . . chOOSE-" She starts screaming again.

The man darts his head under the cloth, panicked.

A sharp pain hits him again, but he fights through it. He can see the head of his child.

"PUSH!" He shouts.

The woman starts yelling in pain, and a hint of sorrow.

The man grabs the baby and starts gently pulling him out, while the woman pushes from inside.

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