Double Dual

518 18 4

I head into the cafeteria and look around for Jawn and Sylva as I walk towards the food. Ahsoka had left on another mission yesterday, and Master Farnrik was off on another with Shineula. Holdan was recovering, and us three are stuck here with nothing to do because we supposedly haven't healed enough.

Fair enough though, since Sylva has a bandage around her head and my back still kinda hurts even though it's been a few days.

I set my lunch down at a table with Jawn and Sylva, who waved me over when they saw me.

"So, how's Holdan?" I ask, sitting down.

"He'll be fine. It's going to take some time for him to recover though, so I may not be going on any missions for a while." Jawn says as he takes a bite of a Fried Nuna leg.

"Well, that's good. And hey, at least you won't be completely bored." I say, nudging his shoulder and looking at Sylva.

"Well, there is that." He says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sylva asks looking up at me.

"Nothing, what? Nothing, don't worry about it, I actually don't know what you're talking about at all, it turns out." I say quickly.

She raises her cup drinks aggressively at me, not breaking eye contact.

I bring my Jorgan pie up and eat it aggressively at her.

Jawn looks between the two of us with a look of confusion.

"Something's wrong with the two of you." He says, biting into another leg.

"Jawn, what's he planning?" She asks.

"Ah, he told me not to tell you." He responds.

"Whaaaat? I'm still not planning anything." I say.

"That's a lie and we all know it." She says, looking back at me.

"No, I'm not planning anything. The planning is already done, all that's needed now is the execution." I say with a smirk. "Uh, I'm not going to execute anyone though, I know you were going to say it."

Sylva squints her eyes at me. "Fine." She says. "I'll be ready though. I'm always prepared."

I let out a plotting laugh. "You won't be. I-I mean you will because we'll tell you when it's happening, that would just be rude not to, but . . . You know, you'll never see it coming."

"Mhm." Sylva says, taking another sip.

"Soo, anyway, how's your forehead?" I ask.

"I dunno, how's your back?" She says, opening and closing her fingers.

"Guys, come on." Jawn interupts, picking up another leg.

"How much of that are you going to eat?" Sylva questions.

"As much as I want, I'm starving." He says, taking several bites at once.

"How many have you had?" I ask looking at his plate full of legs.

"This is my 12th." He says, lifting up another.

"Dude it's only been a few hours since you ate, what's wrong with you?" I ask, eating a bite of my pie.

"You're going to look like a Hutt if you're not careful." Sylva jokes.

Jawn stares at her for a second, with a leg still in his mouth, and then grabs the sleeve of his right arm and pulls it up to his shoulder, revealing a muscular arm.

"Don't let the looseness of this thing fool you." He says as he finishes his leg and moves on to the last one.

"Yeah, I already knew about that. You show them off like every day." Sylva says, getting up. "I'm going to go meditate, you guys do . . Whatever." She turns and begins walking away.

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