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She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She had lied about the answers she gave him, ensuring that if he intended to cause her trouble, he wouldn't be able to find her.

How could he know she was lying? Perhaps her fear was too visible, giving her away. To remedy the situation, she summoned her courage and let her hands drop to her sides, attempting to assume a more confident pose.

"I'm not lying," she said, her voice slightly more confident.

"Sit down," he said abruptly, startling her.

"I said, sit down," he repeated forcefully.

Tentatively, she took the seat before him and folded her hands on the table. Just then, her phone started to ring.

She immediately reached into her bag, sure it was Hilda even without checking.

"I didn't say you could answer," he told her, his eyes narrowing. Her panic rose.

"It's my friend. I'm supposed to meet her outside."

"You'll talk to her after we're finished."

"Please, she might be worried," Boma implored him.

His eyes scrutinized her for a few seconds, while she prayed he would relent.

"Fine," he said finally, his intimidating stare softening slightly. "You can talk to her. Keep it brief and tell her you'll be out in about five minutes."

She resisted the urge to sigh with relief. "Thanks," she mumbled. Then she reached for the phone. By the time she retrieved it from the bag, it had stopped ringing.

Just when she was about to return the call, it began to ring again. She answered it quickly.

"Hey," she said, hoping she sounded lively.

"Where are you? I'm outside."

"Please give me five minutes."

"What are you doing? Should I come inside?"

"No need. I'm in the restroom."

Hearing her little white lie, Donovan crossed his arms and leaned back, creating a palpable distance between them. His eyes bore into her with an intensity that made her shift uncomfortably. His jaw tightened, and he gave a deliberate shake of his head, a clear signal of his disapproval. The room seemed to shrink under the weight of his authoritative presence, leaving no doubt about his stance on honesty.

"Oh, I see. Okay. I'll wait." said Hilda.

"See you," Boma said, her voice almost flat because of Donovan's intimidating reaction to her lie.

After the call, she put the phone back in her bag and managed to return her gaze to Donovan's. He stared at her without uttering a word. Her eyes dropped to his chest as she felt the weight of his scrutiny, leaving her feeling vulnerable and intimidated.

"Look at me," he commanded. Reluctantly, she met his gaze.

"Do lies easily come to you?"

She stared at him, confused about how best to respond. She settled for a slight shake of her head.

"Is this the restroom?" he asked pointedly, referring to her lie.

"I didn't want her to worry."

"Hmm. That's understandable, but..." He leaned in, his eyes narrowing threateningly. "In the future, do not attempt to lie to me, alright?"

Boma was taken aback, frightened by his warning, but she felt hopeful they might never cross paths again. She had already given him false information, so he wouldn't be able to find her.

Donovan(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now