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She had no choice but to sit down. She did it slowly already sniffling softly because she knew it would hurt.

Biting pain stung her bottom as she sat down. Her eyes filled with tears that began slipping down her face.

He drew out a plate, put a couple of bread slices in it, and added the omelet. Then he made tea from the hot water in the flask and set it before her.

"Start eating." He told her, a stoic expression on his face.

The others at the table were eating already. Both seemed oblivious to her plight. One of them gave her a pitiful look. Even in her state, she knew he was feeling sorry for her. He was the same guy who had opened the door while she was locked in Donovan's room.

Their eyes met for a few seconds before he shifted his eyes and focused on his food.

She picked up the bread with shaky hands. She had no appetite. She sniffled tearfully as she took a bite.

Donovan hissed impatiently, startling her. More tears flowed down her face.

"That's it." He said roughly. "I don't want you ruining breakfast for everybody. Get your food and go eat it in the bedroom. You can cry all you want when you're there but you better finish that food and be ready for the day before I get there."

She got up without arguing. She would rather be anywhere than there. His somewhat sympathetic guy immediately pushed a tray toward her. She noticed Donovan glaring at him.

She gathered her meal on the tray and walked away.

As she left, she heard Donovan confronting the guy.

"Phillip, what is the meaning of that?"

"I don't understand."

"I didn't ask you to help her with anything. She was perfectly capable of getting the tray herself."

"I was just trying to help. She's in pain already."

"No one asked for your sympathy. She's my Princess. I decide when she needs help. Or do you have interest in her?"

"No, boss. I'm sorry."

"Get off the table," Donovan commanded.


"Get your food and get out. Both of you. I want to be alone."

She paused as she heard the shuffling of feet. The guys were leaving amidst profuse apologies but Donovan ignored them.

She hastened towards the bedroom and disappeared inside.

She kept the food on his reading table and forced it down her stomach. When she was done, she had her bath. When she emerged, she saw one of the dresses Donovan had bought her, lying on the bed, along with undies.

She understood that she was to wear them, so she did. He walked into the room then, ready for the day.

Her heart pounded with fright at the sight of him. His eyes studied her from head to toe with blatant admiration.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks." She mumbled.

He drew closer to her and enveloped her in a hug. It surprised her that he was being tender.

Donovan ignored the tremors on her body. "Tell me what you want right now and I will do it for you," he said.

She gave him a skeptical look, wondering if she had heard him correctly.

"I'm listening." He encouraged.

Boma decided not to waste any more time.

"I-I want you to free me."

He broke the embrace. "Granted." He said.

She remained frozen for a few seconds.

"Really?" She asked, unable to believe her ears.

"Yes." He confirmed. "Joseph will drop you off at the hostel. Forget I ever took you. Leave the ring on the table on your way out."

"Which one?" She asked, surprised that she could still hear her voice.

He pointed at the reading table. Then he walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Still doubting?" He asked and she nodded.

He took his phone and put a call across to one of his guys.

"Hi, Phillip. Please get ready to take my girl back to the hostel. She's no longer mine."

He ended the call and looked at her. "There. Done. Now, you can go."

She managed to compose herself. Now that she had her freedom, she didn't need to waste time. She pulled off the ring and dropped it on the table. Then she grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

"The clothes are still yours."

"I don't need-" she began to protest.

"I bought them for you. Take them and go. I won't take no for an answer."

"Thank you." She said. Then she grabbed the box and rolled it towards the door and out.

She walked fast towards the main door. She was afraid that he would change his mind. She felt like the Israelites who were leaving Egypt for the first time. They were afraid that Pharaoh would change his mind and take them back to captivity.

She was out on the porch when Phillip emerged from the house and helped her with the box.

Before long, he was driving her back to the hostel. They said nothing to each other. The drive was solemn. The only words she said to him were "thank you." After he dropped her off at the hostel and helped her carry the box to the reception.

He acknowledged her thanks with a nod. That pitiful expression he had worn in the morning, appeared briefly in his eyes. Then he just walked away.

Later, she was glad to be in her room, asleep on her small hostel bed. It was perfect for her.

She was aware of her roommate covering her with the sheets.

"Sleep well, my friend." She said. "It is good to have you back."

"Thanks. She murmured as sleep overtook her. It was good to have her life back. And she didn't even have to fight that hard for it. That thought worried her but she was glad.



Life had gone back to normal for her on campus. She settled back into her usual routine-from class to the hostel and cafeteria. She went home for the weekend and stayed with her family. Then she returned to school on a Sunday against Monday when she would resume lectures.

Before bed that night, she stared at Donovan's contact on her phone. Then she deleted it.

That night, she received a message from an unknown number. She read it and was overwhelmed by fear. It said -We've been busy, but it's time for you to pay for the little stunt of disrespect you pulled in class the other day. Watch your back, Boma. You won't see us coming.

She knew it was her classmates- the three bullies. Three girls against one. She didn't know how she would escape it.

She avoided class the next day, pretending to be ill. But then, the social media page for her faculty announced an upcoming test for the following day. She had no choice but to attend class and hope for the best.

Donovan(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now