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Donovan watched her, observing her fear as he kept beckoning her forward.

"Boma," he said.


"Come here."

Boma remained still, frozen by fear.

"I said come here." He beckoned her again.

"Are you angry?" She could not tell. A dark glint in his eyes made her suspect that he was angry.

The confusion scared her more than the assurance. It would have been better if he was clearly showing his anger. At least, that way, she would have an idea of what to expect.

"I'm not angry. Just come closer." He urged. "Come on, scoot yourself forward."

She shook her head. "I didn't mean to say- I didn't mean to say what I just said."

"Draw closer, Boma. Don't make me repeat that." His tone was stern now.

She carefully scooted herself close to him, struggling to control a threatening uprising storm of jitters.

"Now, repeat what you just said to me a few seconds ago."

"I said that... that if you're free to see others, then I am also free to...to do the same." she stuttered.

"I see. And here I was thinking I probably didn't hear you correctly."

Her breathing became faster as her fear increased.

"So now, we are competing, right?" He didn't wait for her response but continued. "You believe that you and I are now in a competition. You have the guts to entertain the idea that you can do certain things because I do them too, is that it?"

She started shaking her head out of fear.

"No. That's it." He continued in that soft ominous tone that could be easily mistaken for gentility. "You just said you can be free to go and mess around with guys. You want to raise your shoulders with me. Is that not so?"

"No. Please."

"How dare you open your mouth and utter such nonsense? Huh?"

"I didn't mean-"

"I will like to see you try. I dare you to try and see what happens. Would you like to try it? There are many guys in this school. There are many on the island. Pick one and dare me. Is that what you want to do?"

She shook her head in desperation. Now she was certain that her words had offended him. Right now, all she wanted to do was calm him down as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry."

"You better get that notion out of your head. Do you understand me?"

She nodded rapidly.

"Don't you ever, say something like that to me again. Is that understood?"


"We are not equaled here. I am the head of this relationship. I wear the pants in this relationship. You do not do anything you want just like that. You do what pleases me. You do only what I approve of. So even as a joke, do not talk about other guys again. Clear?"

She nodded. "Yes. I won't say any- anything like that again." She was eager to end his anger.

Donovan let his hand travel around her neck, pulling her head closer to his. Then he pressed his lips to her forehead before moving his mouth to her ear. "Maybe I should punish you right now for your careless words." His palm remained behind her neck, holding her head steady while maintaining eye contact. His forest eyes stayed tender upon eyes, his voice soft but his words remained cold and steely. "I ought to punish you right now."

She shuddered.


"Maybe you need a better reminder."

"Please, Donovan, please. I will never say that again." She could not help but grovel. She was so frightened, her eyes became cloudy with tears. "Please." She pleaded, feeling his palm caress her skin gently, even as his words belied his romantic moves on her skin. "Please, it won't happen again, I promise."

His caress stopped. "Hmm. Okay. I won't punish you, baby."

The relief she felt, caused a tear to streak down her face.

"Don't cry. It's okay. I won't touch you. But next time, do not try that again, or I will make you cry hard. Is that clear?"


"Now, I think you need to make up for upsetting me."

"What do you want?" Her heart began to pound anew.

"It's about time I made real my promise of playing with you."

His finger traced the side of her neck.

"Please-" she began shakily.

"Shh." He hushed her. "Be quiet and let me play."

"Dono-" she began pleadingly again when he pressed one finger across her lips, silencing her.

"I said, be quiet." He emphasized his command. Then he tilted her chin and claimed her lips in a brazen kiss that left her befuddled.

He pushed her back on the bed, moved atop her, and continued kissing her lips, trying to force her response by forcing her arousal.

"Relax, and feel." He whispered hotly against her lips. "You will like everything I will do to you, I promise. And you will want more."

"No, please."

"Shut up." He whispered roughly and continued with his attention on her quivering body.

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