Chapter 8: Not-so-Helpful Hand

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“So,” I said strong, standing beside the shiny silver dumpster. He looked over at me, the opaque grey smoke escaping his lips. He looked like he was already high.

“Yeah, what the hell do you want?” he growled loudly back at me.

“I want to know what that was all about…” my feet began to move. My fingertips glided along the side of the dumpster. I felt jittery- what if he did this to me again? And what if it wasn’t like last time- what if it comes out worse- a lot worse? My feet kept walking, though I really didn’t want them to. He began to walk over to me, holding the clear little pipe in his left hand.

“Oh, you do, now do you…” he laughed quietly and placed the cold palm of his free hand on the very top of my head. His fingers lightly poked in towards my skull, not quite piercing the skin- for once. “You know, for being in the tenth grade, you’re quite short.” he laughed, and inhaled more smoke.

“Or maybe you’re just much too tall,” I replied quietly.

A huge amount of the opaque smoke flew into my face and I coughed loudly, “Oh, is that so? Well I’ll let you know, I’m not in grade ten, in case you didn’t notice,” he continued to laugh. What did he think I was- some sort of fool?

“Well, I didn’t know that, FYI.” I swung my arm at him, but his hand snagged at my wrist just in front of my face.

“You really don’t want to do that, you know.” He grinned slightly. After a few seconds, he jerked at my arm, pulling me inward, not too much though. ‘Yup…’ I thought, ‘Definitely high…’ without thinking, I flung my other hand at him, just lightly touching the glass pipe with my fingertips.

He grabbed my arm and twisted me so both his and my arm was around my neck, not too tight though. “I’m sorry…” he said sadistically, “Did you want some?” he laughed lightly as he stuck the tip of the pipe against my lips, the smoke forcing its way in my mouth.

I immediately coughed, “That was horrible!” I shouted at him, struggling to release his arms grip on my neck.

He smiled, “Glad you enjoyed it…” I frowned and tried escaping again. “That’s not such a good idea, you know.”

“Let me go!” I yelled

He calmly exhaled out another puff of smoke, “As you wish, my darling,” his grip quickly loosened and I immediately left his arms. Just as I stood upright, a drop of rain lightly tapped my forehead.

I lightly set my hand where the raindrop had hit me, “I think I’m going to be sick” I said, clenching my head with both hands. I felt extremely light-headed and I stumbled backwards onto the pavement of the rear parking lot. “Ughh…” I moaned as my back banged hard against the ground.

Kato slowly walked towards me, soon hovering over my body, which was now lying on the ground. “I told you, it wasn’t a very good idea…” he laughed quietly as he knelt down next to me, shoving the small meth pipe into his pocket. He gently slid one of his hands under my back, the other under my knees, then helped me back up on my feet. His arm slung around the back of my neck, and his other hand held mine. He towered over me as we began walking.

“Why are you helping me?” I looked up into his dark grey eyes. We had just gotten in through the door. He didn’t answer. Again, I was left in the dark. I felt like I was going to pass out, which I guess he noticed, and he pulled me in closer. I didn’t resist though; in fact, it made me feel a little bit better.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked again, a few minutes later. I had no idea where we were. He just kept navigating me through the hall. I was getting frustrated, not getting any answer from him. “Hello?” his pace sped up quickly, “Why are you-“

That moment, a door opened and he swung me inside the room, the door loudly shutting behind us. He was breathing heavily, “Because!” he shouted.

“Because why?” I shouted back. He pressed his two fingers across my mouth.

“Shh…” he whispered to me, seconds before pressing his lips hard against mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2013 ⏰

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