Chapter 4: Frightening Discoveries

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Dinner went by really slowly, but I must say, the 'lasagna' was amazing. I never knew what lasagna actually tasted like until tonight. I remembered how back home, the only thing we ever ate was whatever we could produce. My father used to hunt all the time. After he died, we nearly went into starvation. I was the only one who could put food on the table, with my mothers' depression. Even if she wasn't in depression, it would still have been nearly impossible to feed us with ten other kids in my family; majority abandoned by their own parents.

After dinner, a couple of girls invited avis and I to go to the little 'Le La Café' down the street for something called a 'mocha late' which really, wasn't that bad. In fact, it was amazing. I don't think I've ever had food this great.

"How's it taste?" one of the girls asked. Her hair was about butt length; straight, yet very shaggy. It was a faded hot pink colour, showing a natural light blonde underneath. She was much taller than the rest of the crowd; even taller than me.

"Amazing!" I exclaimed as I shoved a jelly doughnut inside my mouth.

"Best mochaccino ever, right?" the brown haired girl from earlier slammed her fist on the table for emphasis.

"Yeah," I said, still chewing on my doughnut, "Say, what was with that guy?"

she just looked at me, "Well..."

"You mean Kato?" the velvet redhead asked me in a high-pitched voice.

"Yes, Kami, Kato." the brown haired girl sighed, her eyes rolling up to ceiling.

Kami looked down, "Oh...''

The pink haired girl huffed at her hair sarcastically, "They say he's serious on meth," my eyes widened. Did she really say what I think she said? She tilted her head to the left slightly. The look on my face explained why, my jaw dropped as far as it would go, ''others say he's on something else, but I'm sure it's meth." She shrugged.

"Adri..." the brown haired girl tapped her and pointed out the window, and sure enough, he was out there. I couldn't stop staring out the window. It seemed as though he was definitely smoking something. I swallowed, my doughnut leaving a nasty taste in my mouth as it roughly made its way down. Then I suddenly felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Um... Envy?" I looked over at her, and she just pointed at the window. And there he was, looking right at me; his dark gray eyes glaring sharply into mine, and I was just mindlessly staring back. I just couldn't look away. No matter how scary he seemed, I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful he was. His clothes were torn, underneath the dark brown leather jacket. His black, messy hair framed his face in a way that I just couldn't explain. I knew what he was capable of, yet I just kept looking, when a hand swiftly slapped me across the face.

"Snap out of it!" I heard a voice call out, I wasn't paying attention, when the voice's owner had dumped a glass of ice water on my head.

"What the hell was that for?" I spazzed at the brown haired girl. When I looked back out the window, he was gone, "Great job!" I shouted, my arms flailing in the direction towards the window. She looked at Adri, then Kami, then back at me.

"Uhh..." she said, confused.

"Ann, lets just go home..." Adri said to the brown haired girl.

"Fine..." she said and we left the café

Back at out dorm, it was about 20:30. Then I remembered the note that Hira had given me while daydreaming a few hours ago. I had slipped it into my pocket just before I had left for dinner. I guess I still had a little bit of time left before I had to leave.

In just a few minutes, I had undressed and jumped into the shower. Oh, how he warm water felt so nice against my cold skin, the soap lathered up so quickly against my body, I didn't notice I began to sing; Paramore, to be exact. The shampoo nicely bubbled up in my hair, scrubbing probably five weeks worth of scum from my scalp. I couldn't stop thinking about seeing him out that window, the light hitting his body at just the right angle, the look of a dream. Except, he was far from a dream. The warm water continues to hit my back as I rinse the remaining shampoo and conditioner from my hair

After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, it was about ten to 21. 'Better get moving' I thought to myself as I whipped my sweater of and ran out the door, checking my pockets for the note as I did so. I had no idea where to go, I was lost in this world. I didn't have any idea where to turn, or when. All I knew was to go down the elevator, but not which floor. It was dark already, and of the lower floors, the lights were out.

I wandered the halls of the second floor, an urgency of finding the room pulsing through my veins, "Hello?" I called out. No one answered. I figured if she were on this floor, she would have answered. As I slowly turned towards the elevator, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered the caller.

"Hey, where are you?" a muffled, almost fake voice asked, "I've been running through the halls trying to find you for over ten minutes!" the person continued.

"Where are you?" I asked them back.

"Didn't you read the note?" they asked, panicking, "Room 207, main floor."

I had forgotten, the note had mentioned the main floor, but I hadn't read it since I had gotten it. I opened it, and sure enough, it had clearly said she was meeting me on the main floor. I wanted to tell her something else, but she must have hung up the phone. I then stepped into the elevator and was heading down to the main floor.

Using my cell phone as a flashlight, I carefully scanned each door I passed by. 'nope, nah, no,' I constantly thought to myself as I continues to wander aimlessly down the hallway. My cell phone had said it was nearly 21:20. My pace quickened dramatically after looking at the time. I had the feeling of danger being nearby, yet I continued, despite of how uncomfortable I felt. I just kept thinking, 'what would dad want?'

"Dad wouldn't want this," I whispered to myself.

When I reached the room, no one was there. I guessed maybe she went back home after waiting for so long. Honestly, I don't blame her; it took me forever just to find the place. I sighed as I turned around, ready to head back, when I felt a strong gust of wind pass by me.

"Hello?" I turned around quickly; nervously, "Whose there?" I remained still; I wanted to move, I truly did, but I couldn't. Frozen in place, frozen by fear. I heard someone snicker softly in the background. My eyes widened; I had to get out of there. "Where are you?" I started to walk away, slowly.

"Where are you going?" a soft, edgy, male's voice asked me as he wrapped his cold arms around me: one on my stomach, the other around my neck. There was a small knife blade in the hand closest to my face, "You shouldn't run off like that," he laughed quietly, sinister, "It's quite rude."

I tried to release his grasp, but he was too strong, "Let go!" I screamed unclearly. His hand moved from my neck, to resting over top of my mouth.

"Stop struggling," he snapped back, "You're just wasting your time- and you'll need your energy." My eyes widened as I started aggressively licking and biting his hand. I kicked my legs back and forth, trying to release myself. This angered him, "Quit that!" he yelled as he threw me to the ground.

When I hit the ground, my head smashed against the cold, hard, faded green tile, his foot on my right side. I whimpered, clueless as to what was going to happen next. I wanted to know who it was, but I refused to open my eyes and look at the psycho keeping me captive.

"That's right; keep quiet," he softly crept up to my face and whispered in my ear, then began nibbling on it. My eyes forced themselves open as I began trying to push his face away. His left arm crept around me and grasped onto the nape of my neck, forcefully thrusting me upward. Then, he grabbed the collar of my shirt, thrashing my head against the thick wooden door of the classroom. I screamed loudly, but not much sound came out after he; once again, placed his hand over my mouth. I opened my eyes again, to see he was right up against me, chest-to-chest, his other arm upright, just touching my head. I was trapped.

I angled my head up higher, looking at his face- Kato's face.

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