Chapter 4

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Lindsay looks at her feet while walking through the cafeteria. Not only is she freaked out about last night's intruder, but she hasn't spoken to Daniel or Allison since yesterday's verbal fight.

She looks up to find her table empty, Daniel and Allison nowhere to be seen. She sits down and opens the lunch Steve packed for her. She ate lunch alone that day, more eyes on her than normal.

After lunch during study hall, the school announced an impromptu assembly in the gymnasium. She walks through the halls, heading to the assembly when she runs into the boys.

"What are you doing?" she asks watching Dustin poorly try to break into the AV Club room.

"Uh, nothing," Mike turns to her. A girl in a pink dress with blonde hair stands next to him. Lindsay raises an eyebrow, not recognizing her.

"Who are you?" she asks.


"Eleanor," Mike interrupts, "she's my, uh.."

"Cousin!" Lucas blurts.

"Second cousin!" Dustin adds.

"She's here for Will's funeral," Mike explains. Lindsay's jaw drops.

"Will's dead?" she asks. The boys look at each other, not knowing how to respond, "God, I'm so sorry."

She walks up and hugs the group. She releases them and they smile shyly.

"Is that what this assembly is about?" Lindsay asks. Mike nods, "Well, we better get going, it's probably already started."

She waits for the boys to lead the way but they don't move, "you're not going to go?"

"No, uh, we are, it's just...." Mike starts.

"Hard, I'm sorry, I can't imagine what it's like," Lindsay cuts him off.

"Yeah, it's just that——" Dustin starts to say.

"Dustin!" Mike cuts him off. Lindsay gives the two a weird look, "let's just go to the assembly and we can catch up afterwards."

"Yeah, okay," Lindsay agrees. She gets a weird feeling from the boys but she figures it's just them dealing with the death of their friend. The doors of the gymnasium burst open, all eyes drawing on the five. They sit down and listen to the principal.

"Will Byers' death is an unimaginable tragedy. Will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us. It's impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in our community," the principal preaches to the middle school students, "I'd like to introduce you to Sandy Sloane. She's a local grief counselor from the church over in Jonesboro. But before she comes up here, I just want those of you who are having trouble dealing with this tragic loss..."

"Look at these fakers," Mike whispers to Lucas.

"They probably didn't even know his name till today," Lucas comments. The five look over at Troy and James, who laugh to themselves.

"Who is interested in this? This is so stupid," Troy laughs, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... 'oh, he was such a great student! Oh, he's going to leave a hole in the community!'"

The five watch as Troy mimics the principal, making fun of Will's death. Lindsay can feel her face heat up in anger. Although she hasn't been friends with the boys in years, no one was going to make fun of someone dying.

"Mouth breather," Eleanor whispers. Lindsay turns to the girl.

"Bitchin'," Lindsay agrees. Eleanor smiles at the girl and they turn back to pay attention to the grief counselor.

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