Chapter 19

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"His name is d'Artagnan," Dustin introduces a slimy creature to the group. He holds it in his hand, a small blob of green and blue.

"D'-what now?" Lindsay asks, trying to repeat what Dustin said.

"d'Artagnan. Dart, for short," he explains, "cute right?"

"You're kidding me right? That looks like a booger," she comments. Dustin rolls his eyes. The group of kids huddle over the AV Club table, staring at the blob.

"And he was in your trash?" Max questions.

"Foraging for food," Dustin answers, "you wanna hold him?"

"No, no!" she answers quickly.

"He doesn't bite," he says before she can step away. The blob plops into her hands and her eyes grow wide.

"Oh, God, he's slimy!" she exclaims, handing him off to Lucas.

"Ugh, he is like a living booger," Lucas groans handing him to Will.

"Ugh, oh, God!" Will shrieks handing him to Lindsay.

"I think he peed on me!" Lindsay exclaims handing him to Mike. Max pushes past the two boys to grab Lindsay's wrists. She looks over the girl's bandages, seeing if she needs to change them after holding the unknown creature.

"What is he?" Mike asks lifting the blob up to eye level.

"My question exactly," Dustin says. He pulls out a stack of books about reptiles and amphibians, "At first, I thought it was some type of pollywog."

"Pollywog?" Max asks.

"It's another word for tadpole," he explains, "A tadpole is the larval stage of a toad."

"I know what a tadpole is," the redhead cuts him off.

"All right, then you know that most tadpoles are aquatic, right?" he asks, "Well, Dart, he isn't. He doesn't need water."

"Yeah, but aren't there non-aquatic pollywogs?" Lucas asks. Mike puts it down on the table, wiping his hands on the bottom of his shirt.

"Terrestrial pollywogs? Yep. Two to be exact," Dustin elaborates, "Indirana semipalmata. And the Adenomera andreae. One's from India, one's from South America. So how did one end up in my trash?"

"Maybe some scientists brought it here, and it escaped?" Max suggests.

"Why would anyone bring it to Hawkins?" Lindsay asks.

"Do you guys see that?" Mike asks, looking at Dart, "Looks like something is moving inside of it."

The Wheeler boy moves the lamp over Dart, making him screech.

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" Lindsay exclaims, jumping back from the table. Dart runs and jumps off the table to be caught by Dustin.

"Whoa. It's okay. It's okay. I got you, little guy. I know you don't like that. It's okay," he coos at the slimy creature, "And there's another thing. Reptiles, they're cold-blooded. Ectothermic, right? They love heat, the sun. Dart hates it. It hurts him."

Lindsay gives Dustin a strange glare at his baby-talk towards the strange creature.

"So, if he's not a pollywog or a reptile..." Lucas starts.

"Then I've discovered a new species," Dustin finishes his sentence. The bell rings and the boy puts Dart back in the Ghostbusters trap. The rest of the kids pack up their backpacks to head to their next class.

"We gotta show him to Mr. Clarke," Lucas insists.

"What if he steals my discovery?" Dustin questions.

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