Chapter 12

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"Guys! Guys!" Mike shouts. Dustin and Lindsay sit at the table with Eleven and Lucas. The two of them have already eaten three cups of chocolate pudding each and are on their fourths.

"What is it?" Lucas asks.

"They found us! We gotta go!" he shouts.

"What?!" Lindsay looks up from the cup. Chocolate pudding covers her mouth. Mike helps Eleven up and starts to usher her to the other hall.

"How did they find us?" Lucas asks.

"I don't know, but they know we were in the gym," Mike explains. Lindsay takes her cup with her and Dustin leaves his along with twenty other full cups sitting on the table.

"Lando," Dustin mutters. The kids run down the hallway but stop when men in military uniforms and machine guns face them.

"Got 'em!" they yell.

"Go, go, go, go!" Mike yells, turning around. Lindsay becomes the leader of the group, running back up stairs with the pudding still in her hands.

"Come on!" Lucas shouts. He helps lift Eleven with Mike, Lindsay and Dustin in front of them.

"There they are. Freeze!" the soldier shouts as the kids turn a corner where more men cut them off.

"Back! Go back!" Mike shouts. The kids turn around but are surrounded by guns. Dustin and Lindsay stand back to back with Lucas, Mike, and Eleven. The kids watch as the men start shaking. Blood starts to drip from their eyes and ears.

"What the hell?" Lindsay says out loud. The men then drop to the floor, dead. Eleven falls to the floor.

"El, are you okay?" Mike asks. Dustin and Lindsay turn, all of the kids kneeling down to the floor, "El! El! Something's wrong."

"No, she's just drained," Dustin says.

"No, she's not waking up! Look!" he exclaims. He shakes the girl lightly and she doesn't respond, "El! El!She's barely breathing."

"We gotta go," Lucas says.

"Leave her," a man says. They shoot up to see a man with white hair, "Step away from the child."

"No!" Mike shouts, "you want her, you'll have to kill us first!"

"That's right!" Dustin adds.

"Eat shit!" Lucas shouts. The kids shout profanities at the man, not knowing of a new set of soldiers are behind them. The soldiers take ahold of the kids. One knocks Lindsay's pudding out of her hands.

"My pudding! You piece of shit!" she screams as she tries to kick away.

"No! No!" Mike shouts.

"Let us go!" Dustin shouts.

"Get off me! No!" Lucas fights.

"You idiot!" Mike insults.

"Let us go!" Lucas shouts. The man walks to Eleven and lifts her into his arms.

"Eleven? Eleven, can you hear me?" he asks, shaking her head lightly, "Eleven?"

She barely wakes up, "Papa?"

"Yes, yes. It's your papa," he smiles.

"Don't listen to him!" Lindsay screams, "he's not your dad!"

"Get off!" Lucas shouts.

"I'm here now," the man says.

"Let her go! Let her go, you bastard!" Mike screams. Eleven whimpers in the man's arms. She watches her friends be restrained by the soldiers.

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