Escape Plan

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Izuku's P.O.V.

     They wouldn't stop. My pleas and cries for help have all gone to waste. I have learned that I will always be the useless runt of the pack. The slutty omega. I was made to reproduce and have the alpha's pups. If the pups weren't good enough, the alpha would kill them then make me have more. I've had nine pups over the years. I'm never allowed to shift out of my wolf form. I'm always supposed to be in my tiny puppy form. I've been in this form for almost twelve years now. I'm sixteen and I haven't found my mate. My inner omega became depressed and now he won't even talk to me. During my heats, the alpha rapes me non-stop until it's over. Even then he just rapes me and lets the other pack members beat me.

    I was NEVER allowed to speak. Not even in the pack link. I could speak to people privately, but I wasn't allowed to communicate with anyone. Todoroki.... The packs alpha. He's 'In love' with me, but he is mated with Momo, the packs Luna.

    "Get out here," Todoroki growls. I climb out of my cage and crawl upstairs, scratching at the basement door to let them know I could come out. I had a shock collar on and it was so painful. Iida opened the door and I stumbled over to the table where Todoroki picked me up by the scruff of my neck and threw me on the table. "Here, this is the runt I'm selling. He's utterly useless to me, but I was hoping to make some cash so that he could be put to some good use."

    "He's an omega too," A raspy voice says, the man scratching his neck. "I'll pay eighty thousand for him."

    "Alright, deal. Pay right now and you can have him," Todoroki says, grabbing out my remote. I almost let out a whine, but bite my tongue. I knew better than to whine during a meeting or make any noise of that matter. Todoroki gets paid and the man picks me up and carries me outside, throwing me into the back of his truck. He climbs into the front seat and starts driving off. I could easily jump out, but I would get a little busted up. I'm already busted up, so I don't care. I just need to run.

      I look at my new owner before running to the back of the truck and jumping out and running as far as I could as I ran into the woods. I let out a small whimper, my paw feeling a bit sore from the fall. I continue running through the cold white stuff and come across a small pond. I look around before letting out a loud whine, falling on my side. I felt blood start to come out of my head and other parts of my body as I laid in the fluffy cold powder. I could smell a faint sweet smell that started to get stronger. I heard a loud growl and glanced at the alpha before me. I let out a tiny whine before falling unconscious.

    As I wake up, I was on a table with medical supplies all around me and I was covered in bandages. I immediately start panicking and yelping, not sure where I am or what happened. I let out a loud yelp, falling off the table. I scramble over to a corner and hear the door slam open, a few people coming in. Two betas, three alphas. I let out a loud whine, trying to get away from them. A pink haired alpha runs over, whining at me.

    "Sweetie, no, come here," She says, picking me up. I couldn't help but shake in her arms as she held me up. "Oh dear, you are so small! Let's get some food in your belly."


I wanted food.

She grabbed out some kibble, made for puppies. I loved that stuff. My mom gave it to me before..... Before she ran away. Then all I got was garbage. Literally garbage. And barely any water, I don't know how I survived most of the time.

"Here sweetie," She says, setting the bowl down in front of me. I sniff it and look up at her, trying to mentally ask if it was mine to eat. "Go ahead, sweetie. It's yours..."

    I start gobbling it up, going as fast as I can to eat it all. It tasted so good, I couldn't help but let out small whines of happiness every time I swallowed a bite. I was done in a matter of seconds. The girl sets down some water and I start drinking, my eyes watering a bit from too much happiness. I couldn't be happier with this set up.

      "Oh, you poor thing," She says, petting my head. "You must have been out in that weather for so long..."

       You don't know the half of it, sister. She smiles and picks me up, placing me on the table. The others surround me and I waddle over to her for protection. I now seeked protection from this alpha.

      "Awe, that is so cute," A brown haired girl squeals, trying to pet me. I let out a small whine and try to get into the pink haired alpha's arms. The alpha picks me up and cradles me. "I think we know his favorite now."

     "I wonder how alpha will like him," The girl mutters.

      "Mina, you know he might just straight up ditch him. He said patch him up then dump him," The brown haired girl says.

     "But he's so cute," Mina? Whines. I lick her hand and she squeals, petting my head. "See! That's it, go get alpha!"

    "Fine," The girl grumbles. She walks off and a few minutes later, the room clears out except for Mina.

   "What, Mina," A loud blonde growls. "I'm pretty busy."

    "Can we PLEASE keep him! He's so cute and I really want him! He even licked my hand," Mina whines, holding me up. The blonde gets extremely close to my face and I lick his nose, trying to make it so I can stay.

       "Is he serious? Just because he is a pup doesn't mean I am going to keep him," The man growls. "Once he shifts back, we can get rid of him. Don't get too attached or that THING won't leave."

      "Awe, come on, Bakubabe! He's so fucking CUTE! I can't help it, I want him so bad," Mina whines. I let out a small whimper, wanting to stay with the pink haired girl. She sighs and sets me back down before walking out. The blonde slams the door shut before storming over to me.

    "Talk. I know you can," He growls. "You look old enough to communicate through pack links or privately."

    I want more kibble.

    "First thing you say... is that you want more kibble?" I nod. He lets out a low growl before grabbing some kibble and placing it in the bowl I was using for food earlier. He places it in front of me and I start eating it quickly, enjoying the taste. "Why are you here, you clearly have your own Pack, PUP!"

     I don't have a pack. I was sold..... What day is it?

      "It's Wednesday," He says, sitting down in a chair.

    I was sold on Friday.

   "That was the day I found you," He says, sighing. "Your wounds are almost healed. Once you are fully healed, you can shift and we can take you back to your mom. She's probably worried sick about you."

      I ignore him and turn away from him, looking at the corner. He tries talking to me more, but I ignore him. He mentioned my mom. I hated her for leaving me. No one is ever allowed to speak of her.... And I'm not allowed to talk back.

     "Hey, why'd you stop talking," The alpha growls. I ignore him and continue staring at the wall. He lets out a loud growl and slams his hands on the table I was on. I fall onto the ground and scurry under a counter, shaking in a corner. "God damn it. COME OUT!"

  I mentally mimic him, but I probably shouldn't have and I probably should have come out because he growls loudly and storms out of the room. 

Runt {Planning to be re-written soon}Where stories live. Discover now