Chapter 2

18 3 7

Written By Rising_queen_Sam

Drowsiness still persisted in his eyes. His body felt heavy against soft feathers underneath him.

Wait. Feathers? 

He opened his eyes and realized the reason behind his soar body. Akaashi had slept in his celestial form. 

He quickly pulled back the wings to present his normal form. 

Great. The day just started and he was already a mess. Akaashi never was a morning person.

Akaashi's POV
All around me different colors blinked above the heads of people. Some pink, a lot of green and hints of yellow and a very few dark red. 

I sip on my cappuccino. I must admit this shop's coffee is heavenly. 

A guy suddenly bumped into me making me spill my only solace to the day. The white-haired man kept running, not even giving me a second glance. 

If it were possible, there would be a black cloud looming over my head. I was already done with the day.

My bench mate and long-time friend Konoha plopped down beside me.

"I knew something like this might happen so..." he pulled out my favorite drink and placed it in front of me. 

I need to get this man set up... I'll have to ask about his file.

I sat before my superior, Yamiji Takeyuki. His head rested in his palm and a gloomy shadow loomed over him. 

I cleared my throat, which caught his attention. 

He sighed.

"So... I didn't want to bother you today since it's a work night, but someone messed up." 

He handed me a file.

"So someone missed their target?" I ask.

he nodded.

"You know how bad things can get when that happens." 

I simply nodded and got up.

"How about I do it tomorrow morning. He seemed to be close by."

"Akaashi knows what's best." he smiles. 

I chuckle. "I wish sir... also I need a little help. Can you pull strings for someone named Akinori Konoha?"

I set eyes on my goal. Kenma Kozume, and his partner Tetsuro Kuroo. Sadly though, Kenma's bar blinked the color green. 

Blinking signified the need for more, unrequited love, the worst kind of love. Feeling that your love is not accepted. 

Poor boy, if only he saw Kuroo's love percentage like I did. 

I pulled out the analysis and percentage of love that needed to be used. Instilling the correct amount, I rechecked it one more time.

As I was about to take aim, I saw a head of spiky white hair with no bar on top. 

Is he a matchmaker? 

I retreated my bow and arrow and wait for the scene to play in front of me. The shot left his hand gracefully, as swift as a deer, weaving its way through the air as it made its way towards the target.

Just when I thought the arrow missed its target, bullseye. 

Kenma's percentage shot up to the perfect 92 it was set to be. 

I crept up to my fellow celestial being and whispered.

"Well, good job." 

I could see the goosebumps on the back of his neck as he turned towards me. His Golden eyes glittered as if they were actually made of gold.


The word slipped out of his mouth. I gave him a confused look. 


He smiled, and boy that smile. 

"You're... really pretty." 

I felt my face heat up. 

Man, what is wrong with you. Get a grip on yourself. 

I cleared my throat.

"I was sent by the Matchmaker Association." 

I looked behind him at the new match for a brief second. They already seemed happier.

"Someone missed a match and only got half. I was sent to handle it, but I guess you took care of it."

He gave me a proud nod. 


I chuckled internally and gave him a polite nod. 

"Good. Well, I'll be going then." 

I turned around to leave, but before I could take a step he called out. 

"Hold on!" 

I turned back to look at him. 

"What's your name?" he asked. 

I pause, surprised, before replying. 

"Oh, uh... Keiji Akaashi. You?" 

The guy grinned.

"Kotaro Bokuto!" 

A just name for a just guy. I smiled a little. 

"Nice to meet you Bokuto, I hope to see you again some time." With that I gave him a small wave and left.

I sat with Konoha's file in my hand. My mind reeled back to today's events. 

That guy... he seemed good at this. His movements were precise and his form was perfect. 

Wait. Why am I thinking about him? 

I sigh and drive my attention back to Konoha's little crush.

Sam wrote this, and I think they did a great job! I went through and did some editing but it was mainly formatting and punctuation. Make sure to go check them out, and I will have chapter 3 out next Tuesday!

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