Chapter 4

22 3 11

Written by Rising_queen_Sam

Akaashi was lounging on his sofa. His personality and introverted nature made it hard for him to live with a roommate so he specifically signed up for living alone.

He basked in the silence as his mind kept drawing back to a certain guy. Unfortunately, his peace was short lived as a rapid sharp knock on the door startled him. 

He peeked out of the door and was greeted by the sight of a fidgety Konoha who was on the verge of tears. He pulled his friend inside and started making tea.

Akaashi's POV

Konoha stared blankly into the cup in his hand. The color above his head blinking like crazy. 

Heartbroken. Not a pretty sight to see with your best friend.

I wrap one arm around him as he finally starts talking.

"You know Washio?" 

I simply nod, urging him to continue.

"Well, I was going to confess my feelings to him today... but when I finally got a hold of him, he was having a conversation with the popular girl of our class. Of course, I'm an idiot to think he was gay or that I had a chance in the first place." 

He hid his face in my shoulder, and I felt his tears soak my shirt. A total mess. 

I've known Konoha since we were kids. It pained me seeing him this broken. I was going to need some help if I wanted to help my one and only friend.

After getting permission from the headquarters, I march head first into the rival organization.

What a sight to behold!

After interrogating a few people, I came across the fact that the case file for Washio was not registered under us. 

I knocked on the door to the office of one Kyoya Ootori. He was known to be a notorious man with business running in his veins.

Unfortunately for him, I'm stubborn and more persuasive than I looked. 

I gave him my formal introduction and smile, and he looked me up and down before speaking.

"Keiji Akaashi. Star cupid for the Niji organization. I received your request. What would my organization gain by taking part in your college shenanigans?"

I kept my smile in place, even though I already wanted to punch him.

"In the millions of years of existence, has there been any cooperation between the 18 organizations that exist? Think about it. Word will get around in our community, and even the gods will have to pay us certain glances. As you know, support from the gods ended around 1100 years ago when they grew tired of our constant bickering."

He glared at me and I knew I already won him over. I smirk and extend my arm as he took it and shook my hand.

"You really are something now aren't you?" 

I smile again.

"Why thank you sir. On that note, you know your top worker, Kotaro Bokuto..."


I watched as the black-haired man walked off. Then, I picked up my phone to place a call, and the receiver soon picked up. 

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